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ML Classification 4.168870544068039E-5 (Old classification 0.0)
Cheers @Chris while review is all very well, the actual answer to this software engineering issue is that you have to use a library. You can't "hand make" a csv parser (observe the stunningly bad and misleading example code in the by far highest answer on this page.). Note that my answer is the essential and factual answer, ie "It would be foolish not to use a library for this.". if you or anyone is going to "review" answers, I also suggest review the stunning wrong and misleading answers on this page, cheers. — Fattie 50 secs ago
10 hours later…
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3 hours later…
ML Classification 0.001992125473258576 (Old classification 0.4)
@DonMag cont (Regarding my answer above, I'm just saying "as usual with UIKit when something goes to hell, just put it in a wrapper view.") And then I gave an example (for inexperienced programmers) in "how to use a wrapper when something has gone to hell in UIKit and you need a wrapper!" (I'm just using a stack view as the wrapper to hold the single item, coz you rarely or never use a UIView for any sort of wrapper, you just use a stack view as it's easier; but certainly you could use a UIView as the wrapper, no issue.) — Fattie 30 secs ago
ML Classification 0.8330492194758875 (Old classification 0.0)
ML Classification 0.009437779005992752 (Old classification 0.4)
One piece of advice: Work in English when you want to communicate with other programmers about your code. For instance, if I look at your transactions_history table, I can tell what these columns represent: user_id, order_id and company_id, but you loose me on ilosc, cena, typ, kupno and czas_transackcji. Sure, I can use a translator and find out what these mean, but should I? I don't think so. Use one consistent language in your code, which would probably be English, and only use other languages when outputting text to your users. — KIKO Software 34 secs ago
ML Classification 0.04153391653418717 (Old classification 0.45000002)
@Someprogrammerdude This question seems clearly on-topic (since it is about a software tool commonly used by programmers) but there is a lack of information. Without additional information the question cannot be answered. — howlger 10 secs ago
This question is not a good fit for Stack Overflow. You might ask for a software recommendation in Software Recommendations. — Wicket 27 secs ago
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ML Classification 0.09840993599899257 (Old classification 0.4)
@Jester -- programmers aren't children; they don't need to be fed half-truths. — Pete Becker 37 secs ago
ML Classification 0.9150190264812299 (Old classification 1.0)
This question would fit on sofwareengineering SE. — Guildenstern 44 secs ago
ML Classification 0.01061717376861006 (Old classification 0.4)
@john It's not VS Code. I'm working for years with this editor in different projects. It's some garbage extensions usually used by competitive programmers. — jabaa 57 secs ago
2 hours later…
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ML Classification 0.8330492194758875 (Old classification 0.0)

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