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ML Classification 0.09621639374265863 (Old classification 0.4)
Note: Pick tags with care. The C++ programmers monitoring the C++ tag for interesting C++ problems to solve likely aren't interested in problems with a git repository storing C++ stuff. — user4581301 59 secs ago
6 hours later…
ML Classification 0.9532493159595975 (Old classification 1.0)
This is more of a question for se stack exchange. — LNTR 51 secs ago
2 hours later…
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ML Classification 0.14263254707869408 (Old classification 0.45000002)
This question is relevant as it does indeed address a problem with a tool "used by programmers", i.e. WSL directly and certainly indirectly also Docker Desktop as Docker needs WSL to run. Possibly moving to the Superuser-site might also be appropriate. — Andreas J 1 min ago
ML Classification 0.9602172772093358 (Old classification 1.0)
7 hours later…
ML Classification 0.003818264767361302 (Old classification 0.4)
I mean, seriously? A linked list sorting algorithm? In PHP??? Sorting is the best studied problem in computer science. Knuth wrote more about it 50 years ago than most programmers will ever learn. You're going to throw away the benefits of doing it in a low level language, with effective uses of caches, on an implementation that has been fine-tuned for decades. So you can use a hand-rolled and unoptimized version written in a slow language. Because someone didn't want to learn how ORDER BY works? — btilly 56 secs ago
ML Classification 0.0014190301212413466 (Old classification 0.0)
@btilly I managed to find a similar discussion on this thread softwareengineering.stackexchange.com/a/335821 . The point of the article is that a linked list uses less operations for super long lists in which reordering or deleting an item needs to update the index of all items after while a linked list would update 3 lines at most. Can you kindly share some documentation on how you would implement a double/float ORDER_BY field? — salim.elkh 10 secs ago

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