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The time is 2015-09-09T00:00:00.001Z and @Duga is alive
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Certainty level 0.68999994
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because this should be migrated to programmers.stackexchange.com — Sébastien 1 min ago
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2015-09-09T01:13:00.452Z Quota has been reset. Was 8484 is now 9999
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Certainty level 0.42
@Sébastien Too broad is too broad, anywhere on the Stack Exchange network. See: What goes on Programmers.SE? A Guide for Stack Overflowdurron597 19 secs ago
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The time is 2015-09-09T02:00:00Z and @Duga is alive
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2 hours later…
The time is 2015-09-09T04:00:00.407Z and @Duga is alive
1 hour later…
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The time is 2015-09-09T06:00:00.016Z and @Duga is alive
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Certainty level 0.4
However these IDL interfaces are generally the concern of JavaScript engine authors (specifically, DOM implementors) rather than programmers who target them. — Dai 22 secs ago
Certainty level 0.4
If it has no return value then it is impossible, it must return HRESULT to support late binding. Sounds pretty unlikely btw, programmers very rarely get this wrong. Use Oleview.exe, View + Typelib command and show us the interface. — Hans Passant 49 secs ago
The time is 2015-09-09T08:00:00.402Z and @Duga is alive
Certainty level 0.45000002
I personally always use an Exception over assert and this question explains why: programmers.stackexchange.com/questions/137158/…Alex 1 min ago
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Certainty level 0.4
Is it recommend practice to mark the destructor with override in derived classes assuming that it is virtual in the base class? Sutter and Meyers offer clear guidelines indicating that you should use override whenever overriding virtual functions but they do specifically discuss the destructor. I can't see how it would hurt but do programmers actually do this? — Skeve 15 secs ago
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Certainty level 0.4
1. Are You limited to MS .NET world, or can accept Java / Python / PHP solutions too? 2. because You give question at Stack Overflow, assume You are looking from programmers point of view? — Jacek Cz 31 secs ago
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com.gistlabs.mechanize.exceptions.MechanizeException: com.gistlabs.mechanize.exceptions.MechanizeIOException: java.net.ConnectException: Connection timed out
2015-09-09T09:54:03.777Z Warning: Retrieved 100 comments. Might have missed some.
The time is 2015-09-09T10:00:00.402Z and @Duga is alive
Certainty level 0.4
What have you tried, and where are you stuck: code, expected results versus actual results? And read this if this is homework. — Jan Doggen 26 secs ago
Certainty level 0.45000002
@MarcosPérezGude I agree that stackoverflow can't make a 'monographic' and that is perfect for this question and is the root of where it came from. Stackoverflow allows engineers/programmers/developers to come together and allow all of us to have a discussion and share knowledge. That is the purpose of this question. — OpMt 37 secs ago
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The time is 2015-09-09T12:00:00Z and @Duga is alive
allo, @Duga?
2015-09-09T12:52:00.823Z Warning: Retrieved 100 comments. Might have missed some.
Monking! (Duga is now listening for commands)
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Certainty level 0.43
Naming a list „array“ may confuse Python programmers as arrays are usually Numpy arrays or the type in the array module. So quite different beasts than lists. — BlackJack 32 secs ago
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The time is 2015-09-09T14:00:00Z and @Duga is alive
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The time is 2015-09-09T16:00:00.005Z and @Duga is alive
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Certainty level 0.4
You should first know that people are not born as expert programmers, we always need to learn more, i have seen other questions like this one in stackoverflow but couldn't find a solution that suits my project , everyone should help each other, i do help others about what i know too, it doesnt matter if it is a database or ios developping question or even a question "how to restart my iphone?" — Blerim Blerii 1 min ago
Certainty level 0.4
@Amrita Look, this is a community where users can ask constructive questions and help other fellow programmers around the world. And not argue on whether to answer a poor question or not. Your program was based on a single logic and purely logical plus not helpful to other users. That's why it was considered poor quality. I don't mind answering any type of questions. These questions must be asked on codereview.stackexchange.com and not on SO. If you are still having more algorithmic kind of doubts, I can give you my email. I'll be more than happy to solve it. — Mr. Robot 1 min ago
1 hour later…
The time is 2015-09-09T18:00:00Z and @Duga is alive
1 hour later…
Certainty level 0.4
@Hamed_gibago: no. That's something for programmersThomas Weller 44 secs ago
Certainty level 0.4
We are here to help programmers and programming enthusiasts. It that respect it is expected that we are here to help you with your coding issues. Not create complete solutions from scratch. Do you have something you tried already we can help you with. — Matt 41 secs ago
Certainty level 0.45000002
@usr No, it's not clearly in the domain of objective answers. It's very much a domain of subjective answers. It's also getting off topic from SO, and moving into a Programmers subject domain. There's also a difference between, "how can I design an API for X functionality" and "why did so and so choose to do X"? — Servy 38 secs ago
The time is 2015-09-09T20:00:00.001Z and @Duga is alive
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Certainty level 0.4
@Biscuits The confusion is understandable, and stems from the fact that those expressions are not referentially transparent. That is, replacing taskA with MethodA() changes the meaning of the program. — dcastro 34 secs ago
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Certainty level 0.45000002
I'd actually say that your original table design is better, not everyone has first and last names. Anyway, what are you going to do if you have Robert J. Van de Graaff or Pancakes McGee Jr. in your table? — mu is too short 55 secs ago
Certainty level 0.4
maybe you should have a look at the differences between server side and client side programming, this does a pretty good job at explaining it. programmers.stackexchange.com/questions/171203/…toskv 19 secs ago
Certainty level 0.4
@vlp Thanks. Unfortunately I did not find that many methods with regards to ECC. There's ECIES, but that can be implemented using ECDH. The only thing I did find are modular multiplication and such, so that will at least allow programmers to write their own libraries. — Maarten Bodewes 13 secs ago
Certainty level 1.6500001
Well, you have a choice of "too broad" or "primarily opinion-based", but this question simply cannot work on SO. If you rework it (and probably make it more specific), you might get an acceptable question for Programmers out of it. I'm not sure about the latter though. Good luck. — Deduplicator 1 min ago
The time is 2015-09-09T22:00:00.001Z and @Duga is alive
Certainty level 0.49
@Deduplicator - this would be closed on Programmers as Too Broad as well. The fact that 1/2 of the post is a meta rant is a dead giveaway that it's not a good fit for the StackExchange Q&A model so it's not going to work on any of the sites. Specific design questions are on-topic at Progs, but "design this for me and tell me why" is simply too broad. — GlenH7 1 min ago
1 hour later…
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