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12:19 AM
Certainty level 0.45000002
This may seem like common knowledge to WinRT programmers, but this question was unanswered, with a bonus, for about 5 days. — Stephen Hosking 1 min ago
Certainty level 0.43
Your second question is more of a topic for programmers.stackexchange.com. — Brad 1 min ago
1:21 AM
Certainty level 0.4
This is about not being a programming (code) or programmers tool related question. I linked you to the guidelines in my previous comment. OS configuration is not a programming question unless you're trying to do so from source code. Read the help center page if you need clarification, as I mentioned before. — Ken White 1 min ago
Certainty level 0.4
I am an enthusiast programmer, I write code because I love it. I put a bit of source code in my question. And my question covers: a specific programming problem, a software algorithm and software tools commonly used by programmers. — David Vartanian 1 min ago
1:55 AM
Certainty level 0.4
Yes, the method returns an object. If it did not return an object, how could the "thing" returned have a toString() method which we both agree on. What I disagree with is your statement that the code is wrong. What u r forgetting is that the js language implicitly casts things all the time. Some people call that being a weakly typed language. All js programmers need to spot the casting & recognize it for what it is. After the browser returns the object js implicitly calls the toString() method & returns a string. That happens for any object in js, not just getSelection(). The code is NOT wrong — Ted Cohen 29 secs ago
Certainty level 0.4
1) Why code an applet? If it is due to the teacher specifying it, please refer them to Why CS teachers should stop teaching Java applets. 2) Why use AWT? See this answer for many good reasons to abandon AWT using components in favor of Swing. — Andrew Thompson 52 secs ago
Certainty level 0.4
1) Why code an applet? If it is due to the teacher specifying it, please refer them to Why CS teachers should stop teaching Java applets. 2) Why use AWT? See this answer for many good reasons to abandon AWT using components in favor of Swing. — Andrew Thompson 1 min ago
Certainty level 0.43
This isn't really an appropriate question for the stackoverflow format. If you can reword it as being about a programming principal rather than just a survey of opinions it could be appropriate for programmers.stackexchange.com — George Mauer 1 min ago
Certainty level 0.43
1 hour later…
3:37 AM
Certainty level 0.43
You could ask this at programmers.stackexchange.com or workplace.stackexchange.com, but I'm not sure whether they'll accept it — l19 52 secs ago
4:17 AM
Certainty level 0.41
Only programmers from the same domain should close the question. Anyone working in asp.net 5.0 will simply know what I am asking in fraction of a second. Rest of you are just punishing me for posting just a simple question. — eadam 1 min ago
Certainty level 0.4
4:57 AM
Certainty level 0.64
@l19 neither Programmers nor Workplace will accept a question like this; both sites have custom close reasons for these. Recommended reading: What goes on Programmers.SE? A guide for Stack Overflowgnat 1 min ago
1 hour later…
6:21 AM
Certainty level 0.4
Not that I can answer the question, but I personally know some people who worked on the JIT compiler team at MS, and they are those type of ninja-genius programmers whose reasoning for programming goes way beyond the comprehension of us mere mortals, and I'd bet the answer would be extremely complicated (then again, I may be wrong and it can be dead simple, like storing a type object somewhere in the heap or something :-) ) — Jcl 1 min ago
2 hours later…
7:57 AM
Certainty level 0.4
Does the mafia hire Java programmers now? :) — user2225104 49 secs ago
Certainty level 0.4
Certainty level 0.4
Hello Robert, Thanks! And yes, you're right. I was just being lazy. Lazy programmers like me often think long lines of code are not "elegant". Also I was wondering what was the reason to have the plan holding the stream as an attribute. I have seen this is handle different when using Thrust transforms. There streams are given as a parameter together with the fuctor (execution plan). It would be cool to have a tighter integration of Thrust and CUDA FFT. Don't you think? — Omar Valerio 18 secs ago
Certainty level 0.4
NullReferenceException is a common situation for beginner programmers. The link provided should help you understand the problem. Then use the debugger to find what/where/when you have a variable that is null. — Soner Gönül 1 min ago
2 hours later…
10:07 AM
Certainty level 0.43
sigh I was almost done writing my answer :( Instead, I'll provide it here, in the form of comments, as the question has been closed now: "But the function MyFunction signature with return type specified first is in programmers habit since C." - This is irrelevant, as the definition of the Func<...> delegates is not specific to C#, but available to any CLI languages. ... — O. R. Mapper 1 min ago
10:42 AM
11:05 AM
Certainty level 0.43
I don’t agree about the “easier … writing an Iterator” point. I have written too many Iterators to see it that way. When I first saw the tryAdvance method, I was so excited, I didn’t care about all these other features. I converted all Iterators in my code and don’t regret it. I was very surprised when I noticed how many new Java 8 methods implement the more complicated Iterators where Spliterators are required. It seems that this is all just about what programmers are used to. Granted, getting a single item without storing it into a data structure doesn’t work with Spliterators… — Holger 21 secs ago
11:25 AM
Certainty level 0.4
@MarioRossi The Streams framework does not exist to only write parallel code. Its butt, unfortunately, sits on two sides of the fence, and many programmers use it to write sequential code. There are even built-in methods that cannot be parallelized (such as skip). — Aleksandr Dubinsky 42 secs ago
11:41 AM
Certainty level 0.5
This question is off-topic, although it would be appropriate to post on programmers.stackexchange.com Try there. — johnyu 1 min ago
Certainty level 0.51
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because while it may be ontopic for other Stack Exchange sites, it is not for SO. — deceze 1 min ago
Certainty level 0.45000002
@johnyu programmers.stackexchange.com has the same "where to find libraries, tools, resources, or other product/service recommendations" in their off-topic list that SO does. — TZHX 1 min ago
Certainty level 0.4
HAHA this is hilarious. I don't know whether to laugh or weep on the new breed of degenerate stack overflow programmers. — Muhammad 27 secs ago
Certainty level 0.6
interesting but too broad question, some parts migth fit on superuser.com, with more details maybe programmers.se could have this. — rene 2 mins ago
Certainty level 0.65000004
@AlexanderMeesters This might be acceptable on Programmers (READ THEIR HELP CENTER), or if you're looking for advice on how to resolve this workplace dispute, you might checkout The Workplace (READ THEIR HELP CENTER). This would be off-topic on Code Review (READ OUR HELP CENTER). — nhgrif 47 secs ago
12:27 PM
Certainty level 0.6
Can we migrate this to Prgrammers.SE? There is a version of this question for UNTYPED lambda-calculus: programmers.stackexchange.com/questions/185941/…mac389 2 mins ago
12:53 PM
Certainty level 0.48000002
Yeah, how to make 6100 lines look like less in Microsoft Word is really completely off-topic for Stack Overflow. This is a site for programmers and programming enthusiasts, not typists. — David Wallace 45 secs ago
Certainty level 0.43
@DavidWallace I assume that programmers would have experience exporting their code? — user3622016 1 min ago
2:09 PM
Certainty level 0.4
Please, show a sample input and expected output. You can meet much more programmers than bioinformatics experts here. — choroba 50 secs ago
2:41 PM
Certainty level 0.4
@shanyangqu The scope for Stack Overflow includes tools used by programmers. So that question you link to is perfectly on-topic. — Duncan 14 secs ago
3:03 PM
Certainty level 0.4
while I appreciate your remarks about overabstracting - I am indeed mostly a high level programmer - the GPIO_{Set,Reset}Bits functions actually do a BSRR = ... or BRR = ..., respectively, not a |= or &= ~, so I can't get around the branching either way, and repeating all that branching is something I don't want to do. My concern is not "readable to non-programmers" but DRY and code locality. Anyway, thanks for both parts of your answer! — Silly Freak 2 mins ago
Certainty level 0.4
@mgiuca: There are many situations where it's necessary to test floating-point numbers for equivalence. If programmers wanting to test fp equivalence have to write something like bool equals(double x, double y) { return (x==y) || (x!=x) && (y!=y); }, such testing is apt to be inefficient even on hardware which would allow direct equivalence testing. Adding a means of equivalence testing which would work for fp types, but could also be implemented by other types that promise that it represents an equivalence relation would seem nicer than adding one just for fp types. — supercat 18 secs ago
3:57 PM
Certainty level 0.4
ah all right, just noted but frankly I still haven't experienced anything wrong with fflush alongside with scanf string input but if you say it's not recommended then I do believe in it! After all you're an experienced programmers — Cal Fox 16 secs ago
4:13 PM
Certainty level 0.4
I did. The problem I'm having is less related to the fortran language and more to avoiding repetition, which I'd bet programmers in an OOP language would appreciate. Sorry if it's inappropriate — Charlie 1 min ago
4:33 PM
Certainty level 0.45000002
C++ programmers may know a bit about OOP, but they are not likely to know what (limited) OOP facilities are provided by modern Fortran (and more importantly, what is missing). In any case, this question is not about C++ and unless you want a C++ solution, that tag doesn't make sense. — casey 1 min ago
5:23 PM
Certainty level 0.4
Decompiling won't really help C/C++ programmers who actually produce real binary compiled code. — Tomáš Zato 1 min ago
Certainty level 0.4
I like this, and I would do it if I am placing more emphasis on raising the bar vs. immediate readability, but I do think most programmers are unlikely to understand right away. I could see different people making different choices depending on their situation. — cesoid 1 min ago
6:07 PM
Certainty level 0.4
The biggest problem I have with this is that I, like nearly all programmers I know, use the same terminal for editing code and running code. If you set your terminal to be 80ish wide so you have room for other things on your monitor, when you run your code, your stacktraces and log files are unreadable. This causes you to use a wider terminal. Therefore, your text editor is wasting space. Why not use separate terminals? Sometimes we do, but for 95% of cases 1 terminal window with 1 tmux inside is the optimal "get out of my way and let me code". — Richard Bronosky 1 min ago
6:23 PM
Certainty level 0.4
@supercat: From a standpoint of security I'd welcome that redundancy. Otherwise ignorant (or sleep-deprived) programmers end up concatenating binary data and strings and passing them into things that expect [null-terminated] strings... — R.. 1 min ago
6:39 PM
Certainty level 0.45000002
Your question is too broad now. It all depends on sizes of every field in your document... on size of your database... on other issues that can occur. And I think that this kind of question is more about design. You should ask it on programmers.stackexchange.com. — Michael Sivolobov 2 mins ago
7:05 PM
Certainty level 0.4
@user2230627 Yeah, polymorphic containers is where smart pointers become instrumental. Before these pointers were introduced, programmers needed to deal with allocation and deallocation of items individually, creating memory leaks right and left. — dasblinkenlight 1 min ago
2015-03-05T19:10:00.530Z Quota has been reset. Was 9268 is now 9999
7:25 PM
Certainty level 0.4
Stack Overflow is a question and answer site for professional and enthusiast programmers. Super User is a question and answer site for computer enthusiasts and power users. — Cyrus 36 secs ago
Certainty level 0.63
Certainty level 0.4
AdamNYC, no I never used anti-piracy tools to protect my own software; open source is better. And running software (fully or partially) in your own server/cloud (SaaS) may be better way. Please, read answers in programmers.stackexchange.com/questions/46434 as their authors have more experience than I. Also I know that flexlm in different versions was and is popular to protect software for Linux (older versions can be easily cracked; don't know about TPM support); the other possible google keyword HASP (hardware usb keys/tokens). Same pair in stackoverflow.com/questions/1073497osgx 1 min ago
8:33 PM
Certainty level 0.73
I think this is better suited for programmers.stackexchange.com — caveman 2 mins ago
8:53 PM
Certainty level 0.55
This question might be a good fit for security.stackexchange.com, or possibly programmers.stackexchange.com. I don't think it belongs here on Stack Overflow. — Benjamin Hodgson 1 min ago
9:41 PM
Certainty level 0.42000002
programmers are supposed to be open minded :P come on what's the harm?! I actually totally disagree with peeps who don't want a custom operator here. If an operator being customized allows a dev team to customize their app domain's programming techniques then do it! I think as nerds we get too caught up in trying to look smart with our code (definitely guilty myself), when instead we need to look as newb as possible at least on the surface level. This allows newer people to not be intimidated and more intra-dev trust! trust = good business!! :D — Mike Socha III 2 mins ago
10:15 PM
Certainty level 0.63
@deceze ...see above ^^^ Recommended reading: What goes on Programmers.SE? A guide for Stack Overflowgnat 36 secs ago
Certainty level 0.44
@nhgrif off-site resurce recommendation questions are very bad fit for Programmers - it would be quickly voted down and closed over there, see meta.programmers.stackexchange.com/questions/6483/… Also... — gnat 1 min ago
Certainty level 0.6
11:19 PM
Certainty level 0.4
It is very bad practice to modify superglobals like this. Have a look here as to why programmers.stackexchange.com/q/76406/162446rjdown 1 min ago
11:31 PM
Certainty level 0.4
if there is such a source it is something that many programmers would like to know, I guess — Day_Dreamer 29 secs ago

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