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ML Classification 0.03870830421167672 (Old classification 0.0)
"I am a 2nd year software engineer student and I have no knowledge about software." - It strikes me that you should be asking your teachers for advice. — Stephen C 29 secs ago
7 hours later…
Firstly this is off-topic as it has nothing to do w/ programming. Secondly is asking for software recommendations off-topic here as well as e.g. at our sister site Unix & Linux. — tink 53 secs ago
5 hours later…
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2 hours later…
ML Classification 0.0029318587997994665 (Old classification 0.0)
Well I upvoted because clearly you do not handle budgets or have to do any FinOps. This is a valid question for StackOverflow and even Werner Vogels's Keynote at re:Invent 2023 highlighted Frugal Architecture and 'Design: Cost should be considered as an NFR, which means it should be taken into account during the design phase of a system." NFR's are that little thing in software engineering that make the difference in good software and bad software. This is a valid question. linkedin.com/pulse/…isaac weathers 38 secs ago
ML Classification 0.006308974322345845 (Old classification 0.4)
As others have mentioned, using LIMIT ... OFFSET ... without ORDER BY to incrementally fetch rows from a table can result in both missed and duplicate rows because the set of returned rows for each query execution is not guaranteed to be consistent: factors beyond the programmers control determine which rows are returned. Adding an ORDER BY that is guaranteed to produce a unique ordering improves the situation, but might not resolve it if concurrent updates to the staging table affect the order of returned rows. — JohnH just now
3 hours later…
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ML Classification 8.099944130397192E-4 (Old classification 0.4)
I'd say that in most cases you don't need to worry at all. The compiler will do the right thing and the situations where you explicitly need to know/care about alignment are rare. Most programmers don't need to know or care. — Jesper Juhl 36 secs ago
3 hours later…
ML Classification 0.6013166265115462 (Old classification 1.0)
It's hard to be more specific without a minimal reproducible example. General questions about program architecture are better for Software Engineering. — Barmar 5 secs ago
2 hours later…
Maybe ask on Software Recommendations? Recommendation questions are off-topic here though. — David Makogon 51 secs ago

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