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ML Classification 0.11724698144806774 (Old classification 0.5)
"This question is about software tools commonly used by programmers" - No it isn't. It is about your GCP account and billing, and it is explicitly off-topic. — Stephen C 59 secs ago
2 hours later…
ML Classification 0.0011785867110901869 (Old classification 0.45000002)
Software programs commonly used by programmers are compilers, IDEs, and so forth. Questions about code using the GCP API are on-topic. However, your question is about your specific account and billing, which is not related to code or use of a programmer's tool, so it is off-topic. It also asks us how to contact that customer service, which is a request for an off-site resource. The help center clearly states that customer service-related questions and questions asking us to recommend or find off-site resources are not acceptable. You may want to review those pages again. — Ken White 1 min ago
3 hours later…
ML Classification 0.020093412856565154 (Old classification 0.55)
This works for me. Why is it downvoted? What is the reason? This site is supposed to help programmers. What does silent downvoting help? Really. — Apostolos 38 secs ago
4 hours later…
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ML Classification 0.7664337559981437 (Old classification 0.0)
1 hour later…
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2 hours later…
Unfortunately this isn't something that can be answered here, as it's more of a phone OS thing, and not a programming question. It's possible someone might be able to help on Android Enthusiasts or Ask Different but you'd have to check the guidelines first. There is also Software Recommendations and someone might be able to recommend something. — David Makogon 20 secs ago

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