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2024-08-03T10:46:57.675400Z Quota has been reset. Was 8272 is now 9999
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3 hours later…
Tool recommendations are explicitly off-topic on Stack Overflow try Software Recommendations but do read what they require of a question first. — cafce25 16 secs ago
ML Classification 0.003293846524209031 (Old classification 0.4)
Yea, because Apple doesn't do that right? Ever since the push for constant improvement, meaning lot's of little changes all the time with less oversite needed, the programmers of every company seem to have gotten Ef with Itis. Leaving users with "it was there yesterday", and worse because there are so many interfaces to the same types of programs if you use more than one you may think you saw it in one place but it's really in another and has been for awhile. Browsers are the worst since just glancing at it does not make it obvious which one you are in. Oh and Streaming Interfaces. — billpennock 29 secs ago

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