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@BeastOfCaerbannog questions that ask for legal analysis should be closed in general, and especially so when they provide the wrong things to analyse. This site is not the place for legal analysis.
It's one thing to offer explanations for open source licenses that have been pretty extensively analysed and have a ton of literature online talking about them, and quite another to do so for bespoke proprietary licenses that we know nothing about.
3 hours later…
Huh? A "New feed items" popup in the upper left corner? Never have I seen that, and I thought I know this chat pretty well. Well, apparently not.
So, I didn't actually hop in with this goal I mind, it was more or less something that popped into my mind now that I was actually here. (Well, actual reason I hopped into a Linux space is because my Linux computer ain't working. Anyway, not gonna bother you with that, more just about being somewhere clues may be found).
But yeah, back to the first thing in that message (I do digress very fast, you see), The Nineteenth Byte. the main room for Codegolf, has a feed for questions from Codidact. I'm wondering if that's something that this room and the Unix/Linux room would be interested in having for the Linux Codidact community? Haven't asked in the other room yet.
@AndreasmovedtoCodidact that's a less used way of doing RSS feeds
most people prefer inline to the 'ticker'
The Nineteenth Byte feeds all new questions on their site into the room, unlike this, though. On the other hand, Linux questions from Codidact would not be a big nuisance here, although I think they might be more common than AskUbuntu meta posts.
@AndreasmovedtoCodidact I feel like that's potentially something that might annoy TPTB when they care
@JourneymanGeek What do you mean? I don't follow.
@AndreasmovedtoCodidact well practically that's advertising for a 'rival' site, and there's periods where the folks who run the network get the a bit 'WHY IS IT THERE?'
This isn't 'my' site but as a regular user I don't think its a great idea for a main room in a bigger site to have a feed from another site that fills the same niche outside the network
@JourneymanGeek Absolutely no idea if they ever said anything about the Codegolf feed. The ones at Codegolf seem to have wanted a Codidact feed because they prefer Codidact over SE (the company), and would honestly prefer migrating all along. Not entirely sure about the details.
Yeaaah, that's a strong no in my opinion
@JourneymanGeek Yes, and no. Not when the community is the same. I know that you personally don't want to move, and still hold hope that SE will turn around. I stayed around in chat here, because of the community.
@AndreasmovedtoCodidact also, that if someone in the company gets unhappy, it could result in damaging drama to here and chat
Eh, I think you're worrying way too much about what SE thinks. Honestly, they don't seem to care that much about chat, and it usually lives its own life, with a few exceptions. Anyway, that's a no from you.
@AndreasmovedtoCodidact I've also have seen nearly every way chat can implode/explode
I just know that it works fine without controversy on Codegolf, and thought that this is a way to aid the community. But if you're only feeding meta posts into this room anyway, I do understand it's a bit weird to feed main category questions from CD here.
@JourneymanGeek Oh, now I realize that this was a response to the popup in the corner... See, you gotta use replies. ;)
pfft :D
your fault for bringing up 2 topics at once
It's only you, everybody else uses them. :P
4 hours later…
They have nothing nice to say aout SE. What is the difference between Codidact and Stack Exchange?
Stack Exchange is a for-profit company. With that in mind, they have to worry about making a profit and monetizing their products; there's always that driving factor of the money driving what they do. Codidact, on the other, is a non-profit venture, funded by donations and out of pocket expenses by the creators.
@DavidDE the company's done a lot of stuff that's hurt the community, and itself in chasing those profits
I think practically its a mix between "its too far gone to fix" and "there's still hope" and well - what we feel a productive approaches to either
So we should jump ship?
Well its up to you. I personally think its fixable, but SE's deeply inconsistant
at the same time, I do think to an extent, codidact is best served being its own thing, and not "an offshoot of SE"
I looked at for just a few mins and found it confusing.
I also tried to read the rules for that site but got lost, they seem to contradict themselves.
I will try and spend some time on it another day and see if I change my mind.
@muru Okay, I see your point, I also read the recent comments below the question, and I decided to retract my reopen vote.
3 hours later…
Please can someone (nod or so) make a nice chatlink for this problem askubuntu.com/questions/1481694/…
like formatted link for chat, or convert the comments to a chatroom?
@JourneymanGeek please convert comments to a chatroom i have no chat created. Thank you :D
Needs a local mod
I'm not an AU mod :D
Oh to bad. How should I flag this?
custom flag, explain why
done thank you
3 hours later…
Why do i get a pop up about a new question on the Linux site. It is not a Ask Ubuntu question.
@DavidDE I guess because it used the "ubuntu" tag.
Sloppy coding LOL
I think I should finally learn some markup stuff. Best resource?
2 hours later…
@DavidDE it's not sloppy coding, it's actually intended since we are supposed to have more specific knowledge about Ubuntu
@DavidDE If you mean the help center, yeah, I've reported that issue there. It's not great.
@DavidDE We have nothing nice to say about the way that SE, the company, treated and treats the community here. A large group of the people on Codidact used to be contributors on SE sites, and quite a few are still contributors on both sides. There are even moderators on SE sites that contribute there, and some are staff there. Some former staff at SE have also hopped in. The ones that no longer contribute to SE sites, well, lost so much hope in the company, that they are no longer comfortable
providing content here.
I definitely have seen some people on Codidact that dislike the community here. They are certainly a minority, as far as I can tell.
Personally, at least, I'm probably one of the most active chatters on the MSE chat server... So it's not like I hate the people around here. ;)
So by suggesting to have a feed for CD questions here, it's not about putting the communities or platforms up against each other, but keeping a close tie between them,
But yes, the platforms are different, and there's no intention to take over SE and do the things the same way, with the same sites. Originally, one wanted to use the SE data dumps to move content there, but it was ultimately decided it was best to start over again.

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