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@amar in addition to the 'what' - the 'why' would be useful here
where/how does pci=noer help? including the instructions organically is good, and ideally how you know/and if you tested it
4 hours later…
@Journeyman Geek I was hoping that the op would come back with the positive or negative remark, he may still do. I have not been able to test it because I have different hardware. But as I saw in my searches it was the only solution that was given.
"I saw in my searches"
That's generally a losing stratergy :D
Always start with what you know
3 hours later…
I understand, Thank you
Is there any answer to that type of question?
From the info that's there? maybe not
I don't even think the error message is anything serious
o, since the op is mia, maybe I should remove that answer
And thanks för your help:)

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