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Can we change this user's name please: askubuntu.com/users/1735036/dick-kickem
@Error404 please flag one of their posts for mod attention
But remember that Dick is a perfectly normal name, it is the contraction of Richard.
Less common today, granted, but Dick Tracy, Dick Van Dyke, and loads more.
@terdon Done...
Also, this is apparently a meme: knowyourmeme.com/memes/dick-kickem
Hmm, so that means that it is not that unethical after all
Unethical? It would never be unethical. How can a name be unethical? But no, it isn't particularly offensive, dick is only mildly vulgar, and this is apparently a common(ish) term.
I have been using discord for quite a while now (for chess and other stuff) and I am kind off adapted to the rules and ethics that discord follows. I need time to readapt to normal world.
2 hours later…
Hi all, my first time in the chat.
I was reviewing answers and this guy appeared few times: askubuntu.com/users/1723325/nathan-sr
What to do with his answers?
@sotirov flag as spam
All of them are promoting the same project, with almost the same words.
Thanks! I just flagged his last 4 post as spam
yep, me too

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