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12:01 AM
@NathanOsman is this Android stuff for NitroShare?
@Zacharee1 Yes.
You can haz invite if you want to test. But you will need two devices.
I haz 4 devices
idk where one of them is
oh wait, I have 5, but idk where two of them are
or is it 6 and 3....
I have like 40 devices to test things on.
telco company lel
12:12 AM
wat telco
well, more like SMS delivery company but we do telco work (namely, carrier relation stuff and garbage).
moving to CA brb
we only sent a billion texts last year.
moving to California deserves more than a "be right back"...haha
@KazWolfe "only"
wait, are you iMessage
12:15 AM
@Zacharee1 No. Why the hell would I work for Apple?
does Apple use its own centers for iMessage?
iMessage isn't sms.
Well, new monitor looks nice, but looks like my Ubuntu can only go up to 1024x768. I'll have to work on it
It's a custom messaging protocol similar to how Hangouts or Whatsapp works.
@Serg Sounds like a job for Super XRandR man
12:17 AM
so pretty much yes, @Zacharee1
here, my current project. sorry for the boxes everywhere lol
cc @Zacharee1
you don't seem to be following your security tip
12:30 AM
gimp pepper brush
Welp, the new monitor looks good
I don't care what your political affiliations are, that picture's funny ^^
Good grief, Android Studio loads crazy fast on an SSD, happy am I :)
@AndroidDev can you buy me a 1TB SSD?
12:35 AM
@Zacharee1 When's your birthday ?
@NathanOsman do you work on NS on multiple computers?
@Serg a while
@Zacharee1 They're getting cheaper and cheaper nowadays:
"cheap" he says
But I got an 850 Pro because it's MLC
my TV cost $100 more than that
12:36 AM
I don't trust TLC
Compared to 150 Mb hard drives that were 3000 $ in the past, that is cheap
yes but compared to my budget, it is not
@Zacharee1 Well, when you consider that just a few years ago a 1 TB SSD was over $500...
guess I'll just have to wait another few years
@Zacharee1 Well,I do understand you in that department. That SSD would be half of my paycheck
12:38 AM
it would be an infinite number of mine
Also, replaced VGA cable, so no moar dark lines spreading accross indicator menus from chrome windows
@Zacharee1 Yeah, I'm still content with HDDs for nearly eveyrthing. The $/GB is not even in the same league.
I can get a 6TB 3.5" HDD for that same price so yeah
I think I do need to buy a bigger SSD though
I wonder how would Deepin look on this monitor
160GB is just not enough for two Windows installs
hey @Zacharee1, if you want to move out here, we're hiring. (cc @NathanOsman)
Software engineering.
We're looking for PHP developers.
ew no
has no php experience or money to move
12:43 AM
well you get to play with lots of android phones.
but PHP?
also angularjs
and i think maybe java
senior java tho
12:45 AM
question: so can i make one hdmi output on my laptop act like two monitors ?
perfect for me
@Serg no
HDMI is like a proprietary, limited DisplayPort
@Zacharee1 so no way of having dual monitors over HDMI ?
> HTC = Help This Company
12:48 AM
LG = Lame GSM
OP3 = Objective Perfection 3
it's not objectively perfect tho
no SD card
the U Ultra, on the other hand, is an objectively bad phone for the price
Well, being a happy OP2 owner, I'll subscribe to Kaz's claim as well
I'm a happy V20 owner
does that mean it's objectively perfect?
No. It bootloops.
And has IR.
the V20 doesn't bootloop
the V10 does
@KazWolfe the OP3 has no IR. That's subjective
@KazWolfe that's one report by someone who was recording UHD for 30 minutes at a time, and who spends most of their time bashing the V20
@Zacharee1 Does that make it any less valid?
it certainly casts doubt on it
@KazWolfe just what I wanted - to witness device fragmentation firsthand.
one report out of billions of units
12:56 AM
Also, no thanks on the PHP stuffs.
I haz principles.
@Zacharee1 Mostly my desktop but out of necessity, I sometimes use my Mac and some VMs and whatnot.
@Zacharee1 User fault, modding device.
@Zacharee1 Rooted phone.
@Zacharee1 Linked by a V20 fanatic who casts any other phone as terrible -- that causes doubt.
@KazWolfe tell me when I called every other phone terrible
OP3 is a great phone
it's not objectively perfect
how to trigger zacharee: make a joke saying the oneplus is perfect
1:00 AM
how to trigger zacharee: slander him
OnePlus is perfect.
Waits expectantly...
(or slander the v20)
(or t-mobile)
How to trigger Serg: say we've no coffee left
(or our Lord and Savior Donald J. Trump)
You can trigger me with a three-letter acronym. It's also a palindrome.
1:01 AM
@KazWolfe every single time I say something about the V20, you seem to have to mention the OP3
actually, any time I mention a phone..
@NathanOsman lol
(No, it's not "GPG" but good guess.)
@Serg We've coffee left, but it's fancy espresso that's $14/cup
@Zacharee1 Not true. I also hate the iPhone.
It's Keurig.
@KazWolfe O.o you . . . monsters . . .
Y'know, the folks we love because they don't use DRM on their coffee co— oh wait. They do.
@Serg *sips coffee* Put it on the solid gold credit card, please, butler.
@Zacharee1 Are we gonna do that thing where 4K != 4K again with 8K or can we get everyone to agree on a resolution this time?
@NathanOsman We are going to do that.
1:03 AM
and because 4k sounds cooler and more professional, meaning we can sell it.
@KazWolfe How is there $$$ in confusing people. Stops to think for a moment. Remembers Apple. Carry on.
1:05 AM
You can get an adapter for 3.5mm headphones.
Five hours later...
No you need a separate adapter to charge at the same time.
4k is a professional cinematography term for real 4k video made by good things. But we can make UHD and call it 4k because they're more or less the same.
HD was the "good old days". HD always meant 1080p. Except when it didn't. Thanks, 1080i and 720p.
This new monitor looks pretty good. Not as tall as the other one, but it's wider.
@NathanOsman Or, you can buy our wireless headphones for $160!
1:06 AM
okay, here's a perfect example of apple screwing their customers.
They ship their iPhones with USB-A to Lightning cords.
Their new Macs use USB-C.
My goal is to have tripple monitor one day. Maybe eventually that will happen
#YouMightBeAGeekIf you can remember the exact resolution of UHD without looking it up.
If you want to charge your iPhone off of your Mac, you need to buy a USB-C to USB-A adapter for $20 from Apple, or a USB-C to Lightning cable for $20.
@KazWolfe And how can I connect headphones at the same time? :P
I'm honestly surprised Apple USB-C doesn't have some DRM that only allows Apple computers to charge from Apple bricks over Apple cables.
1:08 AM
@KazWolfe They couldn't have called it USB-C if it was proprietary.
USB is governed by a consortium.
@NathanOsman no, but DRM for USB-C is in the spec.
@KazWolfe For data, yes.
@KazWolfe USB is controlled by USB foundation or something
No, for power, too, I think.
They make up the rules
1:09 AM
@KazWolfe WAT.
Because you need to transmit data for negotiation of high-power.
Okay, I must find this out.
So, in order to protect devices, there must be cryptographic validation through the data verifying everything is legit in order to deliver full power.
> "support for authenticating over either USB data bus or USB power delivery communications channels"
Wat wat wat wat wat.
Who let this stupidity into our beloved standard?
@NathanOsman Just saying, Apple is in the USB consortium.
Why do you think USB-C looks very much like the Lightning cable?
1:11 AM
@KazWolfe Yes but so is Google.
(on that note, I would have much preferred that USB-C was the lightning cable, and lightning was USB-C. Because the Lightning cable is much more robust.
See? Like I said, I'm surprised Apple didn't lock down so that you can only use Apple Bricks and Apple Cables to charge Apple devices.
The ability to is very very much in spec.
I don't like where this is going.
1:13 AM
OnePlus is actually already doing this with the OP3.
If you want to use their high-speed charging, you need to use an OP cable and brick.
I'm mad that Google isn't giving tablets Assistant
(which is very annoying. Stupid oneplus)
@KazWolfe Is it using DRM?
@KazWolfe How is it stupid?
@NathanOsman You only get dash charge if you buy a oneplus charger + cable.
no QC3.0
1:15 AM
@KazWolfe I know that.
But there's a good reason for that.
you're stuck with the stock charger if you want fast charging
That's because they've moved the charging circuitry into the charger itself.
@NathanOsman They moved the heat management to the charger itself.
@KazWolfe Anyway, what I'm saying is that the difference is physical.
And is enforced by DRM.
1:16 AM
So normal chargers can't perform dash charge.
but don't you not have QC3.0 compatibility?
Actually, they can deliver the higher current, iirc.
@KazWolfe It's also patented.
The system just disallows it.
@Zacharee1 Right. OP uses Dash, not QC3.
Dash is faster though.
1:17 AM
they could've built QC3.0 in though
@Zacharee1 But then you could buy cables from other people.
There's no money in that.
oh right
I guess they lose so much in the pricing
why does the G6 only have GG3 on the front, but GG5 on the back?
wat iz this
oh yeah, oneplus is getting ready to sell that pure-black phone.
1:20 AM
how much are those going for?
same i think
they already had their limited-edition sale for the colette-branded ones iirc.
but there is a countdown on their site for something.
wow that website is laggy
@KazWolfe open the console on their website
i honestly don't like when companies do this partnering stuff.
@Zacharee1 yes?
1:22 AM
you don't see it?
the bug/careers thing?
as cool as that ripple thing is, it has a very obvious seam and it's laggy as hell
OnePlus isn't selling the 3 anymore?
> SUCCESS: The process "chrome.exe" with PID 18780 has been terminated.
SUCCESS: The process "chrome.exe" with PID 10772 has been terminated.
SUCCESS: The process "chrome.exe" with PID 19572 has been terminated.
SUCCESS: The process "chrome.exe" with PID 5748 has been terminated.
SUCCESS: The process "chrome.exe" with PID 19384 has been terminated.
SUCCESS: The process "chrome.exe" with PID 11992 has been terminated.
SUCCESS: The process "chrome.exe" with PID 21320 has been terminated.
SUCCESS: The process "chrome.exe" with PID 940 has been terminated.
I have 5 tabs open
so blurry
1:28 AM
my eyes
conpany, huh?
we have two of these tubs with bacon.
cc @NathanOsman --^
1:31 AM
someone left a one-star review on my mod installer app saying it hard bricked their V20
they posted the review from a V20
@Zacharee1 repalcement v20
@KazWolfe well they said plshelp at the end
wait, you can see what device leaves what review?
@KazWolfe You can see all kinds of stuff.
1:32 AM
creepy stuff
huh. all i see right now is a plate full of indian food.
Still only three people using my app :(
@NathanOsman hue
@Zacharee1 Every time you say "hue," a v20 owner buys an iPhone.
their loss
1:33 AM
plot twist: it's just one guy who keeps buying iphones for no reason
@KazWolfe you mean like everyone who buys iPhones?
no. i mean they just have a collection for no reason.
they don't even use it, they're staying on their v20
@KazWolfe TechRax?
sounds like TechRax
but that review
I replied, checked back a few hours later, review was changed to 5 star
1:35 AM
What the... they named the device "elsa"?
@NathanOsman LG did.
@NathanOsman yup
Le facepalm.
@NathanOsman To tell you the truth I don't use wifi on my phone... only cell network for installing play store and android updates. I always use USB for charging and the same cable once or twice a month for transferring files. I can see NitroShare becoming popular for people that use wifi on their smartphones though :)
@NathanOsman Well it makes sense.
You can just let it [the old battery] go.
1:36 AM
@NathanOsman wasn't the Pixel like Narwhal or something?
or Marlin
although I think OnePlus One wins it with bacon
sailfish and marlin.
@WinEunuuchs2Unix NitroShare is faster than USB transfers in a number of cases though.
@Zacharee1 But those are fish.
Google keeps the Finding Nemo theme.
1:36 AM
@NathanOsman even over my 802.11b?
@Zacharee1 Yup. It's faster than USB 1.0... I think...
it beats 9600 baud
who uses USB 1.0 anymore?
USB 1.1 scrub
1:38 AM
Mice don't need high bandwidth.
Keyboards either.
"USB 1.0 specified a data rate of 1.5 Mbit/s"
What is wireless B again?
@NathanOsman 11Mb
There you go...
NitroShare wins again.
1:38 AM
you never said its matching USB standard
> Few USB devices made it to the market until USB 1.1 was released in August 1998, which introduced the speed of 12 Mbit/s (fast speed).
you said USB overall
@NathanOsman rip ^^^
1:39 AM
ironically a lot of older laptops did 5ghz before it was cool.
@NathanOsman Perhaps, but I just use Nautilus to browse the phone... find the directory and paste the stuff... getting up to configure the phone to turn on wifi would eat up the time saved. Besides phone is plugged in 12 hours a night and I don't really care how long paste in the background takes.... ie 89 seconds instead of 66 seconds is a mute point. But like I said people who do use WiFi will love NitroShare.
@WinEunuuchs2Unix Ah, good point. Yeah, it wouldn't benefit your case much.
@Zacharee1 RIP = really incredible product?
> Intel's Thunderbolt 3 controller (codenamed Alpine Ridge) doubles the bandwidth to 40 Gbit/s (5 GB/s),
get rekt, nitroshare
@KazWolfe A speed achieved by no real-world device ever.
@KazWolfe Wait until Wireless AC's successor comes out.
> The new 802.11ad standard offers 7 Gbps of throughput
1:43 AM
> "Now the Wi-Fi Alliance is set to release an 802.11ad specification in early 2014..."
Innovation is slow.
802.11ad is pretty useless though
it's even worse than AC at going through walls.
Its theoretical maximum is useless. That's for sure.
I can get as high as 30 MB/s with my AC router under ideal conditions.
meanwhile over at google... 40 GBps to each rack.
Never mind.
friendly reminder that tapes are still used in some cases for backups
1:50 AM
2:05 AM
How does my VM in EC2 get its time out of sync by 2 minutes???
2:40 AM
@NathanOsman I think it is a software bug that MS refuses to fix.... all my servers at work are 2-3 mins out of sync...
I have it set to sync with the time server...
Oh well. It is what it is.
@NathanOsman me too...
(ignore the fact that I haven't taken time to activate Windows 7)
T-Mobile V20 is $480
@TheXed looking good
2:55 AM
@Serg see the time difference?
@Serg was just showing @NathanOsman, because he was wondering how Windows Server gets out of sync...
@Serg I was just saying I think it is a bug that MS refuses to fix...
Nah, it's probably the fact that Windows doesn't handle being VM well
I've got Win2012 in VirtualBox, so we'll see if that makes a difference.
No...the server is not virtualized..I was connected to it via VPN...
2:58 AM
Oh . . . hmmm
Windows 7 is virtualized, and the time is correct on it.
@Serg anyways, I was gifted the greatest gift ever today...
Wonder what that is . . .
@TheXed Bacon?
Another PC ?
None of the above...

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