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@Zacharee1 already know it , already on it
Thank you
His English sounds good, but it makes no sense to me
I understand him just fine
must be tired
it's the lack of coffee
mmmmm... coffee......
So , long long time ago I've somehow set xpdf as default program for pdf files . . . . now how on earth did i do that ?
@Serg voodoo
evil voodoo.
evil technical voodoo.
sound about right
@ThomasW. so you?
@Serg i haxx0red into your machine to do that
@edwinksl no, you couldn't've. You don't have Kali
@Zacharee1 no no no.
would be nice if you also blogged about it, so at least i know how to revert it back
If Heather was here, she'd freak at that double contraction
seriously, dat double contraction gave me a stroke
ur not heather
i still care about abuses like that
I miss Heather :/
AHA ! found it
Me be happeh
Now the question is . . . .do I write it in Python or do I write it in bash
I could sure do that . . . .
zenity doesn't make me happy though . . . it only gives list view, no icon view
I know
use PHP
use Go
or Python
PHP is evil
I don't know neither PHP nor Go
@ThomasW. it needs to be a hybrid of JS, PHP and BASIC
Hey @ParanoidPanda, 8 days
@Zacharee1 so basically, you're talking about Befunge, which is equivalent in evil to the evil hybrid you mentioned.
wait what
the hybrid you mentioned. Spawn of the Evil One.
like Befunge.
which is also evil
I like that the goal of it is to be as difficult as possible
'course, there's also evil...
but it's meant to be like that
The most evil language though... WHITESPACE!
the best
you mean
anyways, i'm going to stop dropping esolangs links now :)
OK, that's the best
nevermind :)
Anyone used Mageia?
I've got the installer running:
Can't figure out what the time estimate means.
5 hours 29 minutes?
5 minutes 29 seconds?
does it count by seconds?
Let this be a lesson for all you UI designers out there.
@Zacharee1 it doesn't refresh very often and when it does it tends to jump around.
@NathanOsman looks pretty. why're you using it?
5:37 now. 5:45 now...
@ThomasW. Someone using it reported a bug.
I gotta reproduce.
(Realizes that last comment could be taken out of context...)
@NathanOsman link to the downloader, so I can try and replicate as well?
since I have a nice set of hypervisors :)
starting in 6 minutes once this torrent of another LInux distro finishes
i'm learning here(LFS101) trying to do a lab, where I need to tar my login directory,
tar -cvf /tmp/backup/
on virtualbox, Xubuntu.. keep getting "Cowardly refusing to create an empty archive
hmm maybe I should ask in Ubuntu chat. sorry guys
just wondering if this has to do with me running virtually? or what I'm doing wrong.
asked in the *nix chat first^
@shaggy /tmp/backup is empty. try again with an actual dir.
Wow, it's not even based on anything
@ThomasW. that was my first guess, then i went into /tmp/ and created the backup dir
@Zacharee1 it's based on nullspace
@shaggy no... the folder is empty. there's nothing there. hence "trying to create an empty archive"
you should probably read up on the tar manpage
@ThomasW. Okay. well atleast that makes sense to me, I have but so much content. thanks for the info
@shaggy learn a little about how tar works (point of the course/lab) and then you will have solved the question :)
@ThomasW. will do, I thought I understood, but I must have missed something. thanks for the help. this is my first hiccup of many to come haha
I should point out we tend to be hyper-critical towards homework stuff
at least, on Ask Ubuntu
@NathanOsman Oh I see the Windows 98 thing
@NathanOsman Yes. You do. Can I have a copy of your stuff so I can convert em to VMware :p
That was last year. I have more VMs now.
I have about that many running *nix systems on my hypervisors
and a couple Windows systems
plus a Windows server
@ThomasW. I mean, thats how I learn.. so .... thanks again.
@ThomasW. shhhhhhhhhhhh
@shaggy right, I just mean, don't rely on it a ton. :)
'tis all :)
y'know, i'm becoming super critical of things
i should probably go sleep
I have a Windows Server on EC2. Does that count? :D
@NathanOsman I have a Windows server... which runs vCenter...
... for my two VMware hypervisors...
Did I tell you about when I tried XenServer on my desktop?
@ThomasW. is this.... VM-ception?
@NathanOsman nope
@Zacharee1 well...
this one time...
I managed to get full PCI-passthrough working for my video card with a Windows 7 guest.
I ran VirtualBOx...
to run VMware inside VirtualBox
to run VMs...
in which I ran qemu / KVM VMs
... just to test containers.
why though
because I could?
(now THAT was VMCeption)
okay now I need to wget this ISO...
run it inside of VirtualBox inside of VMWare inside of VB inside of VMW
inside of Hyper-V?
inside of QEMU?
sure why not
T_T wai there is no icon view for gtk file chooser
@Serg you need to run it in a VM
VM ? how does that make sense ?
read up
@ThomasW. so I was just missing telling it what to archive? for example ~(home...and everything below[recursively])
cause I got it working now
@shaggy yes.
I thought with no pointers it was archiving pwd automatically. thanks anyways. this seems smarter :)
@NathanOsman Running install now
@shaggy it will, but you did /tmp/backup, which is an absolute path
you probably wanted to do tmp/backup
@NathanOsman Bug report is where?
(4 Xeon vCPUs are fun :P)
@NathanOsman dual quad-core Xeons in my second hypervisor where this is
+ hyperthreading
16 logical cores
Lemme know if you figure out what the "time remaining" indicator means.
@Zacharee1 DECLINED
as soon as it doesn't blow up sure
it failed just now
How on earth did it fail?
@Zacharee1 ahhh thank you for this. this is where my true problem lies.
I probably fubar'd a network setting somewhere in the firewall
opens up the VM to the 'net
@NathanOsman So you're gonna be a good sport about this? FINE
@ThomasW. gasp
@Zacharee1 what? It's in the DMZ :P
@ThomasW. It needs network access to download the graphical installer.
And of course the KDE packages.
@NathanOsman yes, indeed. I think it had a blip
i hope you guys have a good day/night. thanks again for the assistance
'cause I had to restart the NAT settings for one of my systems
at the firewall/router
@shaggy have a good day/night/evening/morning!
@ThomasW. good $time
plasma selected. diverting 64MB of video RAM from the graphics card on the hypervisor.
@NathanOsman mm:ss
Oh good.
good night people
seems to adjust by system state
Although it isn't in the slightest bit accurate then.
no it's not
actually i may have misread
it's nowhere near done
that may be inaccurate hh:mm
that said this will install fast with this hypervisor lol
but we'll see
Network bandwidth is limiting the speed of mine.
Only getting about 500-600 KB/s.
yeah my DMZ has a cap of 45Mbps download speed.
which is not bad (6MB/s)
It doesn't give me an estimate of the downloaded package size - just the size of the packages on disk.
@ThomasW. oh no, how can you survive?
I still miss my old office. I had 100 Mbps there...
@Zacharee1 the other 105 Mbps is diverted to the rest of the network :)
@NathanOsman it's community developed. fix it
@ThomasW. cough
@Zacharee1 I know jack squat about Mandriva.
@Zacharee1 coughs back, and warns he's been eating garlic and onions
this looks like hours, @NathanOsman
bets 100GB isn't enough space
But even downloading 2.5 GB on this connection won't take that long.
@ThomasW. I only allocated 8 GB for my VM...
yeah I have a few 2TB drives connected to my hypervisors :P
at least 4TB of storage on each
so I can give 100GB :P
@NathanOsman it seems there's a lot of extra crap than needed in this thing
@ThomasW. think you can spare it?
@ThomasW. Yeah.
@Zacharee1 100GB? On the hypervisors?
I have a 2 TB drive in the PC and a 2 TB NAS.
So I'm not too worried either.
@RPiAwesomeness Welcome!
Perhaps I should have done this on EC2 or something...
@Zacharee1 let's see... this hypervisor it's on has 1.3 TB of space available.
1.2 TB is what's left
there's a small 80GB drive for the hypervisor's OS
yeah i have a ton of space on these.
I think I'll let it install overnight
and then see what happens :P
@NathanOsman hopefully yours succeeds faster.
Yeah, me too.
once i'm done with this one, sending it to /dev/null
After all that work? I would think you'd want to hang onto it :P
the installer's doing the hanging for him
@NathanOsman More likely to go to them and yell about it.
then destroy it
<rant> Why on freakin earth did gnome-terminal developers did not document all of its command line options ????
Like what is this : gnome-terminal --app-id us.kirkland.terminals.byobu -e byobu
then install Arch to further hurt my brain
@Serg they hate you
--app-id is not in man page anywhere
@Zacharee1 well, I hate them already
it looks to me like it's running an app by ID
OK . . . . but could they at least document it in the man page ?
Gnome people are weird
@ThomasW. Hi :)
Lost 2248 rep on Arqade due to the 200/day cap
look about an inch above my last message
@terdon - Can you do your thing? askubuntu.com/questions/797585/…
@AndroidDev he's not the only mod you know
@KazWolfe yeah I saw
Or @ThomasW.
or @Community
@ThomasW. He's just in chat more.
But we don't like you @ThomasW.
@Zacharee1 Don't tell Oli...
@Zacharee1 You have been kicked from chat for 90 hours
@KazWolfe waits for it
yawns and sips his tea
@ThomasW. weird way to spell coffee
@KazWolfe Hahaha
tea is not coffee. i'm drinking lemon ginger tea right now
with sugar
@ThomasW. weird way to spell "dark roast"
@KazWolfe :)
@AndroidDev puts down 8th cup of coffee Did you say something?
@KazWolfe :)
Why do web devs still use flash? <sigh> askubuntu.com/questions/797577/…
@AndroidDev because how else are they going to deliver rich malware?
@AndroidDev it's the language of choice :p
@KazWolfe Too true...
@KazWolfe Don't forget the crippling lag
@KazWolfe And don't forget cross-platform.
@AndroidDev That's a weird way to spell google-chrome-stable...
OxygenOS 3.2.1 here we come!
@AndroidDev yeah, it's not like HTML5 does that or anything
@AndroidDev About as cross-platform as .so files
"The download could not be verified, please download again." ಠ_ಠ
Switching to 3G...
3G ain't faster
It sure is. My home connection is capped at 500 KB/s. I can get up to 2 MB/s on 3G.
unless it's HSDPA+
when the download finishes
what sort of 3G is this?!
HSPA+, according to Settings.
-79 dBm 17 asu if you're into useless stats.
(That's the connection strength.)
that's the scam-4G
it's "4G," but not actually LTE
Yeah, my carrier doesn't have an LTE network yet.
what is this, 2007?
lots of removed messages, @ThomasW.
he does that
I think he has something to hide
Welp, I now have a script that selects .desktop file and extracts a command from it. What I need now is to figure out how to set that .desktop file as default . . . .
NOW we will install OxygenOS 3.2.1.
The first time this phone has been rebooted since I got it.
@NathanOsman Error: Hash Sum Mismatch
@NathanOsman Five hours later...
Hehe, no.
@NathanOsman >_>
still waiting for mine :(
The phone or the update?
the phone
tracking is pretty useless, and I'm hitting the magic 'any day now' period
That feeling when you get a user to run a diagnostic tool on their machine to pinpoint a bug and Windows reports back "unknown error".
I liked the error the Windows 10 upgrade gave
I, too, have my eyes turn into boxes that say 0C80
My favorite error, because it's so detailed
it's like they didn't even try
I bet the code looks something like this:
// TODO: fix this to give an appropriate error message
throw new BadThingHappened("Something happened");
...and nobody ever fixed it :D
"click the install umbunu"
that's a new one
Q: installer always fails at the start

wattwho99using 64GB SSD hard drive; new pendrive; tested out with no errors using rufus, used Yumi to put iso on usb. boot to the usb. click the install umbunu~~~Then~~~ installer always fails right at the start of the install. I tried 3 different isos: ubuntu-16.04-desktop-i386.iso then ubuntu-16....

sigh . . . .i wish choosing birthday gifts was easy
i am too lazy to clean this up
just give money
Yeah , probably will be a good idea . . . .
for male or female friend?
My mom
then not money
I find it super easy to gift my mother
but Im a girl
fix her computer or something @Serg
@J.Ferreira could have a little to do with it
@Zacharee1 her computer is not broken though . . . maybe I should have bricked it for the sake of brithday XD

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