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@somethingSomething Flagging a post as offensive carries some pretty heavy penalties for the user who posted it. Such flags should be reserved for truly offensive posts as opposed to posts that just contain a swearword but are otherwise OK.
If such language bothers you, just edit the post to remove it, but please don't flag since if the flags are accepted, they can result in automatic bans for the posters.
Basically, this is not a children's site and while I agree that words like fuck are not necessary, I also don't see how they merit an "offensive" flag. They don't bother me personally at all, but if they bother you, just edit them out next time.
Noted, just my thinking of choosing words that are more elegant when you have a site like se, and don't use swear words and fowl language, but I see your meaning. Thanks for the info.
@somethingSomething No problem. Thanks for taking the time to do what you thought was right. It's just that offensive and spam flags are pretty serious. We get some really offensive stuff sometimes (racist attacks and the like) and such flags should be used with caution.
2 hours later…
@terdon I'll be more careful, but I will still use this flag if I see some bad language, just didn't think of the context thing, that in some cases you allow bad language. I feel it's bad either way. I just hope this gives me a better understanding of the procedure and when to flag. Time will show. Have a nice day and thank's for the good work.
3 hours later…
@somethingSomething Please don't. That's not what they're for. If you feel the need to flag, at least use a custom flag and leave us a message explaining. Ideally, don't flag at all, just suggest an edit. Please read this post to understand what the consequences of such flags are:
A: What are the spam and offensive flags, and how do they work?

KipWhat makes something spam and when should I flag it? A post should be marked as spam ONLY when it contains an unsolicited advertisement. It should NOT be marked as spam when: The answer contains no useful information, such as an answer that says "I don't care about your problem". Flag an answ...

And here is the network's position on profanity:
Q: Are expletives (cursing, swear words or vulgar language) allowed on SE sites?

Jeff AtwoodCan I use salty, expletive-laden language on Stack Exchange sites, like Q*Bert? For more information, see "What kind of behavior is expected of users?" in the Help Center. Return to FAQ index

In other words, flagging posts as offensive just because they contain profanity is an abuse of the flagging system. Please do not do this.
Offensive flags should only be used for extreme cases.

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