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5:56 AM
I am member used differnt name from here
6:42 AM
@DavidDE I agree a little with... well keeping codidact stuff in codidact (cc @AndreasmovedtoCodidact) but that wasn't in line with 'be nice' or the code of conduct
6:57 AM
I didn’t see that message, so I have no idea what it was even about.
Keeping CD stuff on CD is fine with me, but I figured I could respond to CD stuff when others continue talking about it.
And a ping for @Journeyman so he knows I replied. :P
Either way, a little roughness from my neighbor Sweden is expected. ;)
10 hours later…
4:48 PM
Again reversal
Voting corrected (learn more)
Why did I just lose 69 rep?
By the time the guy or guys doing this are caught and executed I will have zero rep
If it sounds like I am getting angry I am!!
5:26 PM
It has been suggested I simply stop using the site. I do not see that as a solution.

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