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12:37 AM
@nobody There is normally a system prompt for creating a chat from comments which kicks in at 20. This question has only 3 comments so far. And I cannot see a flag?
@DavidDE You can always join an have a go? I am a member of the Linux Systems section and drop in there from time to time linux.codidact.com/users/56975
7 hours later…
7:23 AM
sigh what is wrong with the virtualbox repo from oracle
2 hours later…
9:05 AM
@nobody They have a Debian / Ubuntu repository?
Morning all
@DavidDE Evening
LOL yes
yes some kind of virtualbox.org/wiki/Linux_Downloads%20 but I can not get over the public key problem.
@nobody I confess that I have never liked external repositories / PPAs etc. But I did download the VBox self installer the other day for the current version. Up from there, I installed the Other Linux installer but I see a deb file up the top
I remember when PPAs became a thing and I did not like them then either
9:17 AM
Does P P A mean pretty pukey again?
@andrew.46 I downloaded the deb manually and installed it. I needed virtualbox 7 because my vm's did not longer start. Now I have to remember to remove it before I make distro upgrade.
@DavidDE The original idea was great where every user had the power to set up their own private repository and share if they wanted to
i was joking sheesh
But it all went bad IMHO
9:37 AM
some ppa's are usefull other not.
9:54 AM
That could apply to people as well
nä every one is usefull in his own way
4 hours later…
2:12 PM
is this the only guy that answers Ubuntu type question on Codidact matthewsnyder‭
2:24 PM
I looked at his profile no computer back ground and after reviewing 2 of his answers I do not agree with either. Like saying most any Windows program can be run with Wine and making no mention of checking Wine HQ before trying.
6 hours later…
8:30 PM
@DavidDE Somebody commented that in a new answer. I flagged it for conversion to a comment, not sure if that’s been done already. Matthew can be a bit black and white in his opinions, yes, but I appreciate that he’s contributing, nonetheless. Yeah, I don’t always disagree with him, either. If you think the answers are wrong, just downvote them (requires an account).
@DavidDE No.
8:41 PM
don’t always agree. Typos galore.

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