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6:25 AM
another down vote storm yeaterday after the revversal
I did flag yesterday for mod action after the first storm
I was hoping this guy or guys would be found and given lifetime ban
yes it was a system fix i read the info on it
7:00 AM
@DavidDE So what would normally happen is that there would be a flag raised by a user, as you have done. Some Mod investigation ensues and then can be escalated to the SE Community Managers. Unfortunately as Mods we cannot see who is voting or downvoting for who.
Which is a massive pain btw. Neither do we have the ability to invalidate votes / down votes.
Are you happy to discuss here or I can set up a private chat room?
@andrew.46 but also exists cause well the temptation to abuse that is there. Community managers are seen as more neutral
@JourneymanGeek I would argue that elected Mods could and should be entrusted with this capability. In part because turn around from the Community Managers (through no fault of their own) is so slow these days
@andrew.46 I need to pick up on that thread - that we don't have enough CMs, and turn around is done in a destructive way at some point :D
@JourneymanGeek Do you have anyone in mind for the job as CM? :)
@andrew.46 that's kind of the problem
the pool is very small, and the tendancy for CMs with good community ties getting cut makes it hard
the company literally dosen't understand the problem and is quite happy to both gatekeep people who want the job, and let go of people in it
7:11 AM
the process was explained to me yesterday that is why I flagged one and explained the issue. I am satisfied to let the procedure continue.
@DavidDE Another option is to see if there is a single user targeting you and sort out that user.
Flaw in Voting system
You answer a question and someone gives it an upvote
the counter changes from zeo to one
someone down votes the question the counter goes from one to zero
it turns out it was a bad down vote and it gets reversed
the counter of votes beside the question never changes
yes you get the rep back but anyone looking at the question has no way of knowing that it was ever up voted
@DavidDE voting reversals shows the new voting number I think
the vote itself is reversed
We've had 15 years to work out the voting system - a lot of the potential rough edges are smoothed out :D
I do believe most of the down votes come from a single person but do not know who, there was a person a few weeks ago accuse me of being the person who gives so many down votes to questions. I almost never down vote a question
@DavidDE We can talk about that here or private chat?
7:15 AM
the voting reversal does not show the vote number I checked several after the reversal yesterday
42 points?
I am fine here. All I remember of the person is that I think the disply name started with an S
I see 42 points in one go and another 16 points over July
yes there have been 2 or 3 storms I ignored it at first till yesterday
Ok hopefully you can see the private chat room I have setup
7:20 AM
it says i can not enter private room
Just a sec
Should be ficxed
no invite poped up this time how i get in
I am not exactly the king of chat :(

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