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@amar I gave it a shot.
@ArturMeinild thank you
2 hours later…
Can noting be done about the massive abusive down votes that are being used against me?
@DavidDE indeed you got many downvoters in a very short period of time. I suppose that in this case the system will detect this abnormal voting pattern and will revert them some time during the day.
it has not done this in the past this is the third time this has happened before I asked about it
I find it hard to believe that the mods can not see who is dowing a down vote
@DavidDE Mods are regular users too, and practically it puts us in a hard spot
community managers can, and if you think there's a pattern of abusive downvotes, flag one of your posts, say you suspect you're a victim of serial downvoting and the mods ought to escalate that to the community team
there may be a delay in response - depending on how busy the community team is so it may take a few weeks
How do I do this and yes It has been systematically abusive down voting
I figured it out and flag for mod and wrote reason
Thanks Journeyman Geek
Hopefully it gets sent up the chain
10 of 12 down votes just reversed
@DavidDE as expected.
12 hours later…
@DavidDE This was a system auto correct not a Mod action. Flag if this keeps happening, there has been malicious voting going on.
@andrew.46 practically there already is - the 'fear' is that 1) its too slow 2) its sort of carefully done to avoid the system voting reversal
also (shhh) its nice when people ask for help and get a response, makes for better community/moderatior/staff relations

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