@DavidDE Raising the issue with the Community Managers of SE is about as far as I am happy to take the matter. It is of course open for you to directly contact the CMs via this page: askubuntu.com/contact
The process will be a little slow a the CMs are under the pump at the moment...
@DavidDE 'nothing will be done' is not true. I have formally raised the matter with the Community Managers and while deliberate down voting by a single user has been found the votes have been invalidated.
I have actually spent considerable time and effort on this matter.
I will absent myself from the matter for now but I have notified my fellow Mods to see if they can offer anything different.
@DavidDE Since the reversal resulted in a negative number, this actually means that some user had serially upvoted you and after the correction you lost these upvotes. So it's not that you got serially downvoted this time. It's the opposite.
I do understand that I also understand that the CM may have ment add and that they did remove. Look at all my rep there is never a time where I have had a ton of upvotes
I do want to make it very clear. I do thank all the Mods for offering help. It is no one here ie Mods that are responsible for the storms of down votes I have received. I can simply move on and hope it stops, not likely to happen. Accept the storms of down votes when they occur or leave the site.
@DavidDE You know, when you get downvoted you lose 2 rep points, but when you downvote you lose 1 rep point. In your profile I can see that you have a total of 5039 downvotes (that you have casted) but a while ago you had 5040. That means that either you retracted a downvote or a post that you had downvoted got deleted (I'm not 100% sure that the downvote in that case would stop showing in your profile though).
So that's the explanation about the odd number of reputation you lost: 70 points were from downvotes from others + 1 point from your downvote that was retracted or something.
In this case you lost rep due to correction but some time ago you had also unexpectedly gained that reputation.
To avoid getting angry downvotes maybe try to be a bit more friendly in your comments to posts so that users won't get offended and frustrated, which is the only reason I can see for you getting targeted downvotes.
Practically - while its annoying to get serially downvoted, or to have reputation gains reversed, on the whole - well, having a little fun, and getting motivated by what you do is important.
Also you picked up after an hour or so
Let your actions speak for themselves, and well SE isn't that worth getting stressed over.