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@amar Have a look here, it shall answer your questions:
Q: How do I invite a user to chat?

feetwetThe help center suggests that after creating a chat room I should be able to invite users to chat from the room menu. I created a room to discuss a problem but the room menu has no such invite function. Other questions suggest I should only be able to invite users who are already in a chat. Updat...

@amar Yeah, this looks quite messy. However, most of the time, after having a conversation with a user in the comments, you will see that many things can be edited into posts. It's a good practice to edit everything related from the comments to the respective posts and then flag the comments as no longer needed to have them removed.
Make sure to only keep important comments that have value as such and not as edits.
This will tidy up the messy comment section and make it easy for other users to see important parts of conversation and not conversational walls of text.
@BeastOfCaerbannog Thanks
@amar No problem! :)
1 hour later…
@BeastOfCaerbannog one last question I promise:) the only things i see in edit are the question and my answer. Is my reputation enough to edit everything, if it is how do i get to it?
1 hour later…
@amar You need 2000 reputation points to be able to edit without restrictions. If you have less than that amount, you can only suggest edits that are then reviewed by other users. For each suggested edit that gets approved you get 2 reputation points and the maximum amount of reputation you can get by suggesting edits is 1000.
Note that you can edit your own posts without any restrictions, no approval required by other users.
Also don't hesitate to ask as many questions as you want! I'm more than happy to answer them if I can. And a better place for moderation-related questions (such as about editing, flagging, etc.) is Raiders of the Lost Downboat which is a room specific to moderation tasks.
@BeastOfCaerbannog ok, Thanks again.

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