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There is a breakdown of how many AU users are within a certain reputation range. I thought it was under "users" or "reputation leagues". Does anyone know where this is listed?
@stumblebee I think they re-jigged the reputation leagues to only have the top 400 users recently
that MIGHT have impacted that
3 hours later…
Woo hooo! I am on that list :)
@andrew.46 I'd hope most mods would be :D
@JourneymanGeek Sometimes I wish I was back there answering questions and chasing points
@andrew.46 in a sense you should be
Is it possible to import a room from a question before being asked to? and if yes how :) do i do that?
9 hours later…
@JourneymanGeek Thanks for the information.
@amar I'm not sure I understand. You want to know how to create a room for you and the OP of a question before being forced to chat due to exchanging multiple comments below the question?
yes, spmetimes there are many exchanges in different times and that link does not comeup-
and while you are here:) are there still needed 20 in reputation to get to the chat?

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