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@amar Take a deep breath and relax. Please bring your concerns to raiders-of-the-lost-downboat as suggested by @andrew.46 or Our chat room before you come to this chat room. Thanks! 🙌
4 hours later…
@amar All you can do is answer the given question as best as you can. If your answer is not accepted and / or there is no room for further improvement in the answer itself simply move on.
Whenever I get frustrated with Ask Ubuntu (or anything else) I step away from the keyboard and go for a run :)
that's generally a good idea internet-wide
@stumblebee why?
This is the main room for AU, why would you suggest they go elsewhere?
2 hours later…
@andrew.46, thank you, I will try to remember that
I have a question and I'm not sure if it's a duplicate. Search didn't yield anything, but that doesn't say much.
I've recently installed Ubuntu 24.04 on my mother's computer, set up Ubuntu Pro's extended updates and essentially just want this system to be "as is" for the foreseeable future
Can I somehow set up that all updates should always install automatically as soon as they're available?
Essentially I don't ever want her to be prompted "Do you want to install updates?" and just install everything automatically
If you have pro, I think you can turn on hotpatching
that should keep the kernel updated
Any way to check if that's enabled?
sudo pro status says livepatch is enabled
@JourneymanGeek So just to confirm, all I need is to edit /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/50unattended-upgrades and ensure no origins are commented out
yup and make sure unattended-upgrades is installed
Isn't that installed by default?
pretty sure no, but I also run almost entirely ubuntu server/minimal boxen
Okay, I'll check
Thanks for the help
4 hours later…
@terdon I just thought the other chat room(s) may be a better place to address that subject, It was only my opinion. And no, I did not word that very well. :(
Oh man, I wish I could remove the diamond from my name sometimes. People keep thinking I'm telling them off! Sorry, @stumblebee, that was an honest question, not an admonition. I am not a mod here (anymore) and wasn't speaking as one. I was just wondering why you would suggest someone leave the main room, is all.
@terdon LOL, I didn't take it that way at all. That indeed was a good question. I wish I had worded my comment better.
Ah phew :)

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