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I think this question is interesting...
Q: Remove unneeded files from /lib/firmware

alexI'm trying to clear up space on my root partition and /lib/firmware is taking up a lot of space. There are a lot of files for devices that I know I don't have, but there's also a lot of files for devices that I don't recognize so I don't know whether or not I need the firmware. Is there maybe a...

I just noticed that on my servers, /lib/firmware is over 1 GB
And a lot is for Nvidia and AMD graphics
I'm pretty sure that could be removed on a server
There are probably more hardware firmware, where you could remove the files if the hardware isn't present on the system
5 hours later…
@ArturMeinild Are we sure none of that is actually mounted firmware? Like /sys/firmware? thenextweb.com/news/…
@terdon I'll have a look at that..
I think it's safe to assume that not all 1.1 GB of firmware files are used on a server for instance..
My /sys/firmware is 2.3 MB, and has 4 folders in total
My understanding is that /lib/firmware are the binary blobs used for proprietary hardware
3 hours later…
@terdon Hi !! I think I have found the cause, but I don't understand what relationship it has.
@ArturMeinild I'm back, with answers and more questions.
I found that the default Plymouth theme worked on another PC, and when I installed my theme, it worked too. I spent days checking grub, fsck, and plymouth configurations, but I couldn't find a difference. Until I noticed that on that PC the /boot directory was mounted on a different partition from the root. Install Debian from scratch on a physical and a virtual PC, with /boot separately. And it worked!!!
Could it be a bug?

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