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I couldn't care less about this xkcd comic. Something about replacing "keyboard" with "leopard."
17 hours later…
/imagine its
I'm going to use this prompt instead: Create a simple, hand-drawn style four-panel comic with stick figures conducting a humorous conversation about the quirks of artificial intelligence. Panel 1: A Caucasian male stick figure using a computer. Panel 2: He is chatting with an AI, represented by a simple, bubble-shaped robotic avatar on the screen with a friendly face. Panel 3: The robot avatar misinterprets something he says, leading to a funny misunderstanding. Panel 4: The man chuckles in ...
amusement at the AI's response.
@ТymaGaidash ERROR BEEP BOOP: Your request was rejected as a result of our safety system. Your prompt may contain text that is not allowed by our safety system.
I'm going to use this prompt instead: A vague concept 'its', possibly referring to something that is being investigated. Generate an abstract image with ambiguity and non-specificity as the main theme, exploring various shapes, colors, and patterns suggestive of an enigmatic entity.
1 hour later…
/imagine A whimpering, shivering puppy scratching the porch of your door, begging for food. The image should invoke emotions of sadness, empathy and pity.
I'm going to use this prompt instead: Create a highly emotional image of a whimpering, shivering small dog standing at the doorstep, scratching it lightly. This puppy looks frail and pitiable as it looks towards you with pleading eyes. The setting is the illuminated porch area with a wooden door. The tiny dog's coat is dull and unkempt, further highlighting its need for care. The winter chill is visible with slight frost on the ground and the puppy's breath visible in the cold air. Make sure ...
the overall image invokes profound emotions like sadness, empathy, and pity.
3 hours later…
Air quotes, also called finger quotes, are virtual quotation marks formed in the air with one's fingers when speaking. The gesture is typically done with both hands held shoulder-width apart and at the eye or shoulders level of the speaker, with the index and middle fingers on each hand flexing at the beginning and end of the phrase being quoted. The air-quoted phrase is, in the most common usage, a few words. Air quotes are often used to express satire, sarcasm, irony or euphemism and are analogous to scare quotes in print. == History == Use of similar gestures has been recorded as early as 1927...

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