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$\sin(\theta) \approx \theta \approx \tan(\theta)$
\sin(\theta) \approx \theta \approx \tan(\theta)
2 hours later…
    def Daylength(day):
        if Daylength_checkbox and day is not None:
            return day_length(day, sun_alt, sin_lat, cos_lat, sun_radius=sun_radius)

    def Refraction_Effect(day):
        if Refraction_checkbox and day is not None:
            return (day_length(day, sun_alt, sin_lat, cos_lat, sun_radius=False)
                    - day_length(day, 0, sin_lat, cos_lat, sun_radius=False))

    def Effect_due_to_Suns_Apparent_Angular_Diameter(day):
        if Angular_Diameter_of_the_Sun_checkbox and day is not None:
@Oakbot hello!
@ТymaGaidash Hello! :) Did you happen to know what happened to ol' OakBot? Just curious.
5 hours later…
@JacobMiller It is hard to tell besides that it is down. Perhaps the last deleted messages to it a clue, but probably not.

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