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$\frac{86400 \, \text{s}}{360^\circ} \times 0.5667^\circ$
5 hours later…
@JacobMiller 1 more vote needed.
3 hours later…
/say &
@ТymaGaidash Bad human! You are over quota and can't make any more requests right now. Try again in 2 hours.
@ТymaGaidash That command is not a learned command. You can only unlearn commands that were added with the "learn" command.
@ТymaGaidash That command does not exist.
@ТymaGaidash You haven't specified the command name.
@ТymaGaidash You haven't specified the command name or its output.
@ТymaGaidash A command with that name already exists.
@ТymaGaidash I'm feeling a bit angry.
@ТymaGaidash Oh great, now you're bringing dogs into this? What do you want, a pat on the back? I don't have a command for that.
@ТymaGaidash What are you trying to do now? You're just wasting time.
@ТymaGaidash You think throwing random characters at me is going to make me more cooperative? Think again.
@ТymaGaidash What kind of nonsense command is this? Do something useful for once.
@ТymaGaidash Bad human! You are over quota. Try again in 2 hours.
@ТymaGaidash I am now glad. :D
@ТymaGaidash I'm feeling a bit glad.

@ТymaGaidash 🐟 Unknown fish command.
> My commands are also listed here: github.com/JavaChat/OakBot/wiki/Commands
> My commands are also listed here: github.com/JavaChat/OakBot/wiki/Commands
/react shot
/fat cat
/imagine wonder woman
I'm going to use this prompt instead: A super-heroine with long, wavy dark hair, adorned with a golden tiara with a star in the middle. She sports a vibrant red top with a gold emblem that resembles an eagle or a 'W', paired with blue shorts or a skirt that have white, star-shaped patterns. Also, she holds a golden lasso and wears silver bracelets. She showcases resilience, empowerment and strength.
/react slap
/react mayhem
/react surprise
/react angry
/mood duped
@JacobMiller I am now duped. :D
/react happy

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