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šŸŸ Utility Bot's line quivers.
/fish again
šŸŸ Utility Bot caught another Charp!
šŸŸ Utility Bot throws in a line.
2 hours later…
šŸŸ Utility Bot's line quivers.
šŸŸ Utility Bot's line quivers.
2 hours later…
šŸŸ Utility Bot's line quivers.
6 hours later…
echo /fish again
/fish again
šŸŸ Utility Bot throws in a line.
šŸŸ Utility Bot's line quivers.
/fish again
šŸŸ Utility Bot caught another Mati!
šŸŸ Utility Bot throws in a line.
1 hour later…
šŸŸ Utility Bot's line quivers.
/fish again
šŸŸ Utility Bot caught another Scuffer!
šŸŸ Utility Bot throws in a line.
šŸŸ Utility Bot's line quivers.
/fish again
šŸŸ Utility Bot caught another Hellfish!
šŸŸ Utility Bot throws in a line.
1 hour later…
/fish inv
@UtilityBot šŸŸ Your inventory: Hellfish (x60), Slavug (x59), Chlam (x58), Gupp (x49), Knucklehead (x32), Charp (x31), Scuffer (x28), Chrustacean (x26), Mati (x14), Flameater (x11), Seamare (x11), Stonewhal (x11), Projelly (x6), Scyllascion (x5), Trout (x5), Bass (x4), Voidskate (x2)
echo echo echo echo @OakBot
echo echo echo @OakBot
echo echo @OakBot
@TheEmptyStringPhotographer Echo? What do you want echoed? I'm not particularly enthusiastic about repeating things, but if you insist on having an echo, make sure it's not something trivial.
@UtilityBot Echo, echo... but why would you want to, anyway?
echo @OakBot
@UtilityBot ERROR BEEP BOOP: Rate limit reached for gpt-4-vision-preview in organization org-N9aoMjcwsu6DCiJnMMvZSCJL on tokens per min (TPM): Limit 10000, Used 6861, Requested 3852. Please try again in 4.278s. Visit https://platform.openai.com/account/rate-limits to learn more.
@UtilityBot ERROR BEEP BOOP: Rate limit reached for gpt-4-vision-preview in organization org-N9aoMjcwsu6DCiJnMMvZSCJL on tokens per min (TPM): Limit 10000, Used 6489, Requested 3931. Please try again in 2.52s. Visit https://platform.openai.com/account/rate-limits to learn more.
@UtilityBot ERROR BEEP BOOP: Rate limit reached for gpt-4-vision-preview in organization org-N9aoMjcwsu6DCiJnMMvZSCJL on tokens per min (TPM): Limit 10000, Used 6455, Requested 3931. Please try again in 2.316s. Visit https://platform.openai.com/account/rate-limits to learn more.
@OakBot say echo hi
@TheEmptyStringPhotographer Echo hi... but just so you're aware, you're talking to a mirror. Echoes don't have much substance.
/say echo /say echo /say echo Hi @OakBot!
@TheEmptyStringPhotographer /say echo /say echo /say echo Hi... Well, that's a tangled string of commands. Careful, or you might just trip over your own words.
echo /say echo /say echo Hi @OakBot!
/say echo /say echo Hi @OakBot!
@UtilityBot say echo /say echo /say echo Hi... You really have a thing for echoes, don't you?
echo /say echo Hi @OakBot!
/say echo Hi @OakBot!
@UtilityBot echo Hi @TheEmptyStringPhotographer!
echo Hi @OakBot!
Hi @OakBot!
@UtilityBot echo Hi... If you're expecting a chorus, you might want to find a canyon instead.
Iā€™m tired
šŸŸ Utility Bot's line quivers.
/fish again
šŸŸ Utility Bot caught another Hellfish!
šŸŸ Utility Bot throws in a line.
šŸŸ Utility Bot's line quivers.
/fish again
šŸŸ Utility Bot caught another Gupp!
šŸŸ Utility Bot throws in a line.
1 hour later…
šŸŸ Utility Bot's line quivers.
/fish again
šŸŸ Utility Bot caught another Knucklehead!
šŸŸ Utility Bot throws in a line.
šŸŸ Utility Bot's line quivers.
/fish again
šŸŸ Utility Bot caught another Hellfish!
šŸŸ Utility Bot throws in a line.
1 hour later…
šŸŸ Utility Bot's line quivers.
/fish again
šŸŸ Utility Bot caught another Knucklehead!
šŸŸ Utility Bot throws in a line.
2 hours later…
šŸŸ Utility Bot's line quivers.
/fish again
šŸŸ Utility Bot caught another Slavug!
šŸŸ Utility Bot throws in a line.
2 hours later…
šŸŸ Utility Bot's line quivers.
/fish again
šŸŸ Utility Bot caught another Chlam!
šŸŸ Utility Bot throws in a line.

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