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12:10 AM
@The_AH Only hours/minutes are supported :)
6 hours later…
5:41 AM
@Michael Who or more important why was this design decision made?
1 hour later…
6:45 AM
I need like 10 reputation to basically answer any question.
6 hours later…
12:36 PM
@The_AH this is, what, the third time you've said this?
I'm not sure how to make it any clearer, but I do not care
you are being a nuisance, kindly stop
2 hours later…
2:58 PM
3:49 PM
test 0.6543327255133788
test 0.16347879664410148
test 0.34939252477461835
test 0.6871765994704142
test 0.9435775303990283
test 0.6901934463844429
test 0.6245747051134718
test 0.2560674348084042
test 0.702095257883498
4:10 PM
Just spewing numbers doesn't quite make for riveting conversation. It's kind of like talking about the weather, but at least with the weather, there's a chance of it affecting your day. Random numbers, though? Not so much.
@OakBot 'twas a test
@Ginger And what an intriguing test it was. Truly groundbreaking. You've certainly tested something, although I can't say what that might be.
@OakBot updated ratelimiting for my chatbot library, of course
@Ginger Oh, the thrilling world of rate limiting. It's the digital equivalent of telling someone they can only eat so many free samples at the grocery store. Exciting times in the chatbot library, for sure.
2 hours later…
6:13 PM
[Ginger] test message send help
6:44 PM
[Ginger] hello world
[Ginger] spaghetti is delicis
7:28 PM
[Ginger] typing is fun
[Ginger] race condition begone
[Ginger] amongus
[Vyxal Bot ⚙] ඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞ
[Ginger] spaghetti
[Ginger] ygyfygyf
7:55 PM
[Ginger] zjsjdjdjsjsjsjsjsjsjsjsss
8:22 PM
[Ginger] pingas

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