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That looks like a diablo like?
2 hours later…
> So, I died to the first non-tutorial boss in PoE 2 maybe two dozen times because I wasn’t good enough at dodge-rolling, the previews were right in that they really did make a Dark Souls Diablo (complimentary)
That's the main commentary I"ve heard about it so far ☝️
3 hours later…
yeah, poe2 is a hack and slash from the look of diablo but thats basically where it ends. The game has one of the most complex talent trees that I know and gives you a huge option of skills to choose from
10 hours later…
I've a good friend who's spent a fair amount of time with the first one. The skill tree system has a ceiling I can't fathom. Friend assures me it's fine if you're not trying to be an uber S tier player. I'm not sure I can life style choice myself into either side of that.
We've not discussed the sequel. Is it solo viable?
poe looked cool, but i couldnt play it. Because it would take me literally days to make a decision on the skill tree
if that game came out when i was kid, it wouldve been amazing

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