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@DMGregory Do you have any spicy takes to share on what makes a great hot sauce? I'm planning to ferment some hot sauce soon as a way to use my peppers (hot Hungarian wax & jalapenos).
Ooh, I'll confess I'm not much of a connoisseur of hot sauces. I just put Sriracha on a lot of stuff. Do let me know how it turns out though!
I would not count Sriracha as spicy, but thats probably just how used you are to spicy food
we have some home made chilli sauce in the fridge where a knife tip is enough in a dish to question your life choices
My local grocery store dropped the "standard" sriracha - still working my way through their alternatives trying to find one I like as much as the original. Probably better off going to one of the international markets in town.
@Zibelas I tried some like that at a friend's house - I thought it was hyperbole when he looked at my portion & said the spoonful I had was what he used on an entire pot of chili. I ate it all anyway; it was ... educational.
we had a sausage trailer close to work that was selling spicy ones from A-F. A was ketchup, B was on Tabasco level and F was called fucking burning injection
it had around 1.200.000 scoville (tabasco is usually in the 5k range)
you could track that sausage where in your body it currently was
7 hours later…
Great hot sauce made here in QC: Peppermaster Fusion Fire and Hurricane Mash.

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