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@Vaillancourt I think what it does is try to bring some sense of the weight of history which allows for things that straight SciFi doesn't. Compare it to Star Trek. Star Trek happens in the future. While laser swords might not be that far fetched several hundred years in the future, magic powers would be very out of place. But no one cares at all about wizards and magic set in the past. It's kind of expected.
Even Dune, set 20,000 years in the future is fairly grounded in "reality", with the Bene Gesserit being the closest thing to "magic", and it's basically just mental training more than anything.
Space wizard knights with laser swords set in the futuristic past able to do magic really only works in a historical/mythological setting because through our myths we've been taught that those kinds of things belong there.
On a completely different subject, I noticed the starred comment about code review, and I'm curious how that works. I have a fairly small unity C# class that I'm trying to migrate to Godot, but one section has me baffled on how to implement it in the different engine. I'm so new to Godot that I haven't even figured out what all the differences between it and unity are, let alone know the right question to ask.
5 hours later…
@AndyD273 That sounds like a question to ask here, because it's a problem-solving "how" question that benefits from experts fluent in both engines, and because the code doesn't yet work in Godot. Ask on code review only when you have working code that you want to make "better" (e.g. more memory efficient, faster, cleaner, more maintainable...)
We can help you workshop the question here in chat if you're not sure how to frame it.
2 hours later…
@DMGregory Ok cool. I started a question over on SO, and might have an answer. Now I just have to figure out how to implement the answer. I dislike the "don't yet know what I don't know to even know what questions to ask" phase of learning a new platform/language.
1 hour later…
@DMGregory since you have more editing options, I'm guessing that you meant file rather than dile in your comment (link)?
Oooops, fixed! Thanks for spotting. I really gotta put my glasses on when commenting on mobile, bleary-eyed in the morning...

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