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I am changing the rules and making a list of requirements to become a room owner, in the meantime while I make it, this room will be read only and no request s for room ownership will be granted, but requests for write access will (if someone wants it for whatever reason).
@MatthewSplitzerslovenski Hi!
whats the topic of this room>?
The family of online interpreters tryitonline.net, specifically those on TIO Nexus.
Dennis thanks, what are you trying to express with these languages?
just creating websites or something?
...oh, I see - it translates different types of code
for cut and place?
Nah, It runs it.
TryItOnline is a service that executes code from hundreds of different languages, right from your web browser.
can you show me something you`ve made?
I don't know much about code, I`m more interested in how humans act
Dennis maintains the website.
I have a riddle :-) or more like a question - about a clash of civilizations
would you engage me?
I don't think that's close to on-topic here, sorry to say.
But your talking about translation right?
No, I'm not sure where you got onto that topic.
Oh, "Interpreters"
In this context, an Interpreter is a code that runs different code.
Ok, I`ll try to get closer to what your doing
interpreters have to be accurate?
or they are rid useless?
does this program ensure accurate translation of code?
Actually, in this case an interpreter that isn't accurate to a spec isn't useless, but a different form of the same language.
so there`s no "leap," so to speak?
The way a code is interpreted is nothing like how human speech is.
Dennis, do you think you could create a program - that ensures a peaceful interaction of civilizations?
might sound crazy, but I`m looking for some help
I think you're definitely on the wrong site.
:-) your right ATaco
Im sorry, dont mean to waste time
Well... lemme run the scenario by you, call it a "short break,"? a happy distraction? Here goes:
meh nevermind
37 messages moved from talk.tryitonline.net
Making exception because @fawad seems to meet all requirements I have in mind.
Well... The requirements are 300 rep on one site and 50 helpful flags
Fawad please do not kickmute any users or move messages posted before this one. I am trusting you.
@John you can trust me :)
@John 50 helpful flags from overall sites?
@Fawad I think you requested access before I decided it should be 50 instead of 45. So the earlier requirement applies to you.
I see

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