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Q: List of resource recommendations

Jerry ChenI saw https://physics.stackexchange.com/q/12175 which collected many resource recommendations for many subjects in physics. Is there an analogy for mathematics... or we start from here?

I’m voting to close this question because it's asking for too much. When you want information about a particular area, search for it on the web or here. — Ethan Bolker yesterday
There is no one-size-fits-all way to be educated in mathematics. Stop wasting time looking for that golden key and start doing some maths! — Adam Rubinson yesterday
Have you visited the link? It's a collaboration from community which people can provide a reference from his/her subject, it also extended my picture which are hard to know. Why can't it be with merely shifting to math? — Jerry Chen 19 hours ago
I see that you have posted a similar suggestion on MathOverflow Meta: A list of text recommendations. I left some comments there - the same things apply if you wanted something similar on Mathematics. — Martin Sleziak 32 mins ago
Q: A list of text recommendations

Jerry ChenI've found Resource recommendations on Physics Stack Exchange which is a community effort to collect many book suggestions for many subjects in physics, and I thought it would be nice if there is one in mathematics. Any idea?

I am not sure whether you suggest something similar on MathOverflow on Mathematics. In any case, there are already many posts where you can find recommendations for books on some specific topic. Just browse the tag textbook-recommendation on MathOverflow or book-recommendation on Mathematics. — Martin Sleziak 38 mins ago
It is worth pointing out that the question "Resource recommendations" on Physics that you linked to is closed on that site. And there is a link to this discussion on their meta: Do we need/want an overarching books question?Martin Sleziak 35 mins ago
It is not created by a community effort, but the blog "How to Become a Pure Mathematician (or Statistician)" might be somewhat similar to what you're looking for. It was mentioned in some posts in this network. — Martin Sleziak 17 mins ago

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