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Q: The whois feature in TL is currently broken

Journeyman GeekThere's a feature that lists and summons mods for a specific site on the teacher's lounge. Currently, it also lists staff with diamonds, which breaks inter site moderator collaboration. Here's an example command for reference. It also occasionally seems to fail completely. Could this be fixed ple...

For non-moderators, this post contains a screenshot of how the command is supposed to work. — Sonic the Anonymous Hedgehog 55 mins ago
Q: Special characters in moderators' names break formatting in 'whois' response

GlorfindelThe Teachers' Lounge has a chatbot with a whois function listing moderators for a specific site. The response is in italics, but it's a Markdown message, and moderator names with an underscore at the end like 'ow_' cause the formatting to break: Here is the Markdown equivalent of both messages, ...

10 hours later…
Q: Updates to the upcoming Community Asks Sprint

SpencerGTL;DR We will not hold a Community Ask Sprint this quarter, but instead, will try using a two week sprint in March 2025. In the previous two quarters, we have held Community Asks Sprints where all developers/teams focused on community products spent a week working on community asks. You can lear...

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