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Q: What was the intention behind The Outreach Department?

MartinI see that until recently, there used to be a room called The Outreach Department. It was created in April 2022. It was frozen quite recently, in November 2024. (Actually, this room was frozen and unfrozen a few times in the past.) Is the intention behind this room simply to gather HNQs? (The roo...

I don't know that there's a better answer to be had than the initial announcement: New chat room for the HNQ listAnyon 15 hours ago
To answer the last subquestion: Nothing stops you from starting discussions there, if they are about (community) moderating HNQs. — Wrzlprmft ♦ 15 hours ago
@Wrzlprmft Could perhaps the tag (chat) be added to the duplicate target. (I actually checked this tag to see whether there was a previous discussion related to this room.) Thanks! — Martin 14 hours ago
@Martin: Done … — Wrzlprmft ♦ 2 hours ago
Q: New chat room for the HNQ list

StrongBadSince we have had the ability to track the hot network question (HNQ) list, we have been doing this in a private moderator room. The idea being that it would help us stay on top of potentially problematic questions that need moderator attention before things get out of hand. It has helped, but we...

1 hour later…

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