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Q: Are there some differences from the previous election?

Martin SleziakIt was recently announced that there is going to be moderator election soon: Upcoming Moderator Election. In January 2024 one of the CMs made this post: What would you like to change about the moderator election process? Basically an announcement that some changes might be coming and a request fo...

Q: What would you like to change about the moderator election process?

SpencerGUpdate – February 13th, 2024 Thank you to everyone who provided feedback and expressed their interest in joining the working group. The selection has been made, and those individuals have been invited. The chat room for the group is in gallery mode and can be seen here. Some changes were made to ...

in Moderator Election Revamp Working Group Chat on Meta Stack Exchange Chat, May 30 at 20:35, by SpencerG
Got a small update. The product read through it and didn't ask us to make any changes. Their next steps will be to have a PM and review it in details to estimate more clearly how long it will take to implement and those kind of things, then we should have an idea of when they will start working on it.
in Moderator Election Revamp Working Group Chat on Meta Stack Exchange Chat, May 30 at 20:36, by SpencerG
My best guess at this point is that we are still quite far from any real work starting, but should have more details start to emerge over the next month or so.
in Moderator Election Revamp Working Group Chat on Meta Stack Exchange Chat, Aug 5 at 6:52, by Tinkeringbell
@SpencerG Since curious minds are inquiring... any updates? :)
in Moderator Election Revamp Working Group Chat on Meta Stack Exchange Chat, Aug 5 at 14:39, by SpencerG
@Tinkeringbell Most likely we won't get time to have work begin on this till next year. I am working to confirm that, but if that is the case I want to propose what we have to MSE, adjust from there if necessary and then wrap it up for product so we can get to it when we do have dev time to work on it.

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