My question on Aristotelian spaces begins with a motivating preamble and ends with a specific and focused request as to a property which I say would help characterise these spaces. I've bolded this part in an edit to emphasise this. However, it has been closed, presumably by a moderator, for bein...
status-completed Update: We've changed the post notices for question askers so that they do not see the usernames of close voters listed - this includes askers with the close/reopen vote privilege. We considered making it so that post owners with sufficient rep could still see the list, but deci...
I am not a user with close/reopen votes privileges on Travel Stack Exchange, therefore I can't see the names of the close voters in this question: However, they are visible when going to the revision history: or the timeline of the post: This also happens when I am not logged in: I canno...
The goal here isn't to make closing a secret process of some sort. It's often important to know what all has happened to a post, and why - so the revision history and timeline seek to provide this. Removing the names (and other details) from the default question view aims to preserve the bare m...
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