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> @MartinSleziak - I forgot to ask you - can I request restoration of my "question-capable" status at some point in the future, or are such bans permanent at MO ?
> Doesn't seem to make sense - not if it's the case that a suspension can never be revoked (which is what I was told by an "old-timer" here.)
Links to basic information about question ban are given in this tag-info.
So the short answer to your question is - you should read what help center and FAQ have to say about this. This can probably give you much better information than I can.
The longer answer would be: I do not think it is easy to get out of question ban, but it is possible.
Personally I remember two cases when a user managed to get out of question ban. One of them was mentioned directly in this chatroom and the other one was on meta: I have been banned from asking questions, what should I do?
Your situation is rather specific, but general idea is: If a user is in a question ban, what they can do is to try to edit old questions - in case they get undeleted/reopened or they get some upvotes, it is possible that the user get out of question ban.
A rather experienced user (he was mod at the time) said to me that such bans are almost always temporary:
in Math Mods' Office, Aug 29 '17 at 5:38, by arjafi
@MartinSleziak Getting out-right bans is still as difficult as ever. I have a feeling that most of the "I'm banned!" questions on meta are actually about temporarily question blocks. Unfortunately I don't have much data to back this up (while whether or not a user is currently blocked from asking questions is visible to moderators, the reason/severity of this block is not). The most recent such meta-question by Charlie to almost certainly is about a temporary block, and not an outright ban.
Another moderator mentions in this answer: If banned from asking questions, can I still answer questions?
> Question-bans and answer-bans are almost independent (good answers can help to some extent to lift or avoid a question-ban and vice versa, but the greatest role is played by the posts of the affected type).
However, the post is from 2015 maybe some stuff changed since than.
I am not sure whether I have much to add here.
I think that advice given by Joel Reyes Noche and Todd Trimble might be useful for you. (Especially Todd Trimble is, in my opinion, a very experienced MathOverflow user, so I'd listen to him in connection with posting on MO.)
Luckily, you're not banned from asking questions on Mathematics, so you can still use that site.
@MartinSleziak - thanks as always for taking the time to provide additional info and context.
14 hours later…
@AlexM. I have posted a question about this on Mathematics Meta: Are comments which respond to another comment deleted by single flag? Feel free to ping me here or in chat if I have misrepresented something or if you prefer to ask the question there yourself. — Martin Sleziak 14 secs ago

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