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@Martin Sleziak See here math.stackexchange.com/questions/2347703 With duplicates sometimes happens the similar thing. I'll get an example. — Michael Rozenberg 4 mins ago
@MichaelRozenberg I do not know what you meant by similar thing. But I would suggest to continue this on meta or in chat, since these comments are not really relevant to question at hand. If you prefer chat, we could try c.r.u.d.e. chat room or my chat room. — Martin Sleziak 20 secs ago
@MartinSleziak I think we need to merge topics and after that to use duplicate.
Only moderators can merge questions.
At least two users flagged the questions already for merging.
However, merging and close as a duplicate are related but independent things.
For example, it merging would lead to duplication of answers, then mods would very likely prefer not to merge them.
OK. Then to say it to moderator and after that to use duplicate. I mean of course in our case, when we have different solutions.
Sometimes the question can be duplicates, but different notation on wording would mean that the answers would not make sense after the merge.
@MichaelRozenberg I do not know whether it is even possible to mark questions as duplicates after the merge.
But once again, marking the questions as duplicates is mainly about questions not about answers.
Of course, it is good to choose as the duplicate target the question which has the best answers.
Don't you think that those questions are the same?
Which says that we give to human like Martin to delete beautiful solutions. He do it with my problems always.
Once again, closing as duplicates does not delete anything.
It helps to centralize solutions at one place. And also to save the effort of users (so that they do not answer the same question again and again).
This is quote from my profile:
"I think finding duplicates and closing questions as duplicates is useful. If caught early, this prevents answerers from redoing the work which has already been done. But even after answering, closing duplicates helps to concentrate the relevant information in one place rather than scattered in various posts.
And it also directs the users who found one of several copies of the same question to the copy which has the best answers. This is why we should take care when choosing which of the duplicate questions should be the duplicate target."
I am ready to believe you, but I'll get you an example, that it's not exactly so .
OK. If community thinks that it must be duplicate then that will be duplicate. I am with community. I'll give you an example later.
The three questions are now merged: 2362513, 1388010.
@MichaelRozenberg I find your remark offensive. I do not delete your solutions. I do search for duplicates (which is a good thing, everybody should do that, in particular "high-rep users"). I do not target you.
I guess it might be more of misunderstanding (or disagreement) about how duplicate close votes work and whether/why they are useful than accusing you of bad intentions.

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