The post on meta seemed to be well received, the question has currently score +35, the answer announcing creation of the chat room is at +6. Which made me rather optimistic, but still this did not really work out.
The room has been around for almost a year, but I only count 13 bounty questions posted in the room.
Let me try to summarize here what I tried to get some attention to this room and perhaps what else I should have done of what I should have done better.
I have mentioned this room a few times in the main chat room, some of the messages have been even starred. (The main chat room seems like a reasonable place where to mention activities like this.)
I have also left some comments on question which had bounty but no answers with information about the room. The comments might look something like this:
> I have noticed that you have offered a bounty but received no answer. Maybe you might be interested in my suggestion to collect somewhere unresolved bounties. For details see meta and this chat room.
> Feel free to ping me here or in chat after you see this message. (Since it is unrelated to the question, I prefer removing it after it served its purpose.)
When I received confirmation of the user that they've seen the comment, I have deleted it, so not many of them are still around. I have informed about 25 users about the room. (I can post full list if somebody is for some reason interested. Although many of links in the list are to deleted comments.)
in Bounty room, Nov 28 '16 at 22:37, by mixedmath
This room is a good idea. I wonder if it will ever pick up
in Bounty room, Nov 27 '16 at 7:45, by arjafi
@MartinSleziak I wonder if it is worth the effort to keep this room alive. In about four months you are basically the only person to post anything here, and that's been mostly to keep this room from being frozen. This is probably a strong indication that the community isn't really interested in participating in this effort.
There were also some bounties of my own which I posted there. Probably I should also have mentioned in a comment to the OP information about bounty room.
I thought that I would be able to keep the room alive simply by offering my own bounties and then posting them in the chat room if they are unresolved. However, choosing good questions for bounties and then also checking answer is quite a good deal of work IMO. (I have a long list of post where I would like to post a bounty, but first I have to look at them more thoroughly.)
One disadvantage this room has that it has low activity "by design" - the content of this room is supposed to be mainly links to questions with some brief comments. Other rooms can have a lot of back-and-forth and discussions - which increases probability that they are displayed in the sidebar. This might attract some users to have a look.
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