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These two questions are duplicates: 1, 2. I realised this after my answer was accepted. Is the convention to always close the newer question as a duplicate of the older one?
@MichaelAlbanese I have reposted your question here: chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/2165/2017/1/18 That's the room which is (among other things) supposed to serve for discussion related to closing questions.
2 hours later…
I did not search for an official documentation on this, but if I look on a randomly chosen chat room created by this proces and on the comments, it seems to me that all comments before moving to chat stay under the post and are also copied to the chat room. — Martin Sleziak 4 mins ago
Still, I suppose that in some situations it might be preferable to create new chat room or discuss this in already existing ones. (If you want to have the comments there, the only possibility I know of is to copy them one by one as I did here to show an example. If you want the user to come to that room, you can ping them in a comment and add a link to the roomor you can invite them via their chat profile. See: How do I invite a user to chat?Martin Sleziak 33 secs ago
@MartinSleziak : Okay, I tried and you appear to be right. I really thought I saw the comments disappear when I did this once before, so I have been reluctant. But that was quite a while ago, and they may have just been hidden under a "show nnn more comments" link. Thanks. — MPW 33 secs ago
Post your first comment as an answer and I will accept it — MPW 13 secs ago

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