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Q: Right sidebar box missing padding under headers

cocomacThere should probably be padding under the headers - can it be re-added? I'm using Firefox on Windows 11, and I can reproduce this both signed in and when signed out (with userscripts & uBlock Origin disabled).

Q: Right-column "featured on Meta" section formatting is broken

STerliakovHere's what it looks like (Brave latest, Ubuntu 22.04) for me: And on MSE (so this isn't SO-only problem): The section headers look obviously misplaced vertically, almost overlapping with section dividers. It's probably the least important problem of SE sites now, but maybe this also means we c...

Q: The sidebar widget's style seems broken on SE sites

DanThe title part of the widget seems to have lost its background and paddings. I can reproduce this on all the sites and meta sites I visited except Stack Overflow and meta.se. This is how it looks on Ask Ubuntu: This is how it used to look and how it currently looks on meta.se: I can reprodu...

4 hours later…
Q: Right sidebar box missing padding under headers

cocomacThere should probably be padding under the headers - can it be re-added? I'm using Firefox on Windows 11, and I can reproduce this both signed in and when signed out (with userscripts & uBlock Origin disabled).

A: Right sidebar box missing padding under headers

DalmarusYesterday (or close to it, depending on your timezone), an update in our core codebase that included a new version of our design system, Stacks, was shipped. This dependency update required changes to our markup that were not yet fully implemented. We’ve rolled back to a previous version of our d...

@MartinSleziak I've noticed that when I click on "questions" and on the top on "newest", the question are no longer ordered
The ordered was based on the time the question was asked, now it seems the order is based on the acrivity (for example edit, answer, ...)
Did you notice something like that?

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