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Q: Pressing Enter in comment box unexpectedly submits form

bobinceI don't think I'm going any more crazy than normal, but I'm surprised I can't see any other meta mention so far. This started happening recently on at least SO and ubuntu.SE, and occurs in at least IE and Firefox. So I'm guessing it's a deliberate feature not [bug]. But I'm not keen. It's not st...

you can haz your ENTER key back, so long as it arrives with its friend the SHIFT key! — Jeff Atwood Sep 7, 2010 at 7:41
Q: Why commenting has only one paragraph?

Joshua TristanchoI do love commenting. I think it's a very useful tool I used on other platforms. When you are new, you expect to write more than one paragraph when pressing ENTER. Then when you press ENTER for a second paragraph, the comment is published. So, you edit and then, you realize can't change after fiv...

There's a user-script for this: stackapps.com/questions/2061/…M-- 11 mins ago
Q: Disable enter for submitting comments

Jeff Atwood About This user script disables the default behavior of the enter key submitting a comment. With this script installed, you must explicitly click the Add Comment button to submit your comment. Source If you have Firefox+GreaseMonkey, Opera, or Google Chrome, try this GreaseMonkey script t...

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