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@WillJagy I will mention that on several SE sites there is a tag named rss, like Superuser, Software Recommendations or Web Applications.
So if you decide to look for a solution which does not use a chat room, these might be some possible places where to look.
2 hours later…
I wonder how often I will end up with comment ban or lowering limits on the number of comments if this (or some of the other suggestions from that thread) is implemented: Implement a Selective Comment Ban
Q: Implement a Selective Comment Ban

jmacWe all know the drill. Comments are temporary and intended to clarify stuff to make the posts better. We know they are an absolute nightmare to cleanup, but it's also really hard to figure out how to handle them. It would be nice if we had a way to mitigate the harm from comments by protecting ...

2 hours later…
in Math Mods' Office, 2 mins ago, by Martin Sleziak
@BAYMAX I remember that when we talked in another chat room, you mentioned you had problem with the bookmarklet for rendering math in chat. Did you manage to get it working since then?
in Math Mods' Office, 2 mins ago, by BAYMAX
@MartinSleziak No i am unable to do it , i have chrome too but i dont know how to? .
First of all, is your bookmarks bar displayed?
Hi @MartinSleziak..
a star symbol is displayed in top right corner
bookmark this page
You can display/hide bookmark bar it by Ctrl+Shift+B or through Bookmarks -> Show Bookmarks Bar.
The star symbol is different from bookmark bar.
ya done it so now i am able to view bookmark bar
after that
Now if you go to this page: math.ucla.edu/~robjohn/math/mathjax.html You can see there the link called start chathjax.
All you have to do is to drag it to the bookmark bar.
I.e., you keep button pressed after clicking on it and move it to the bookmark bar.
Some math formulas for testing: $\sin^2 x + \cos^2 x =1$.
$$\sum_{k=0}^n \binom nk = 2^n$$
$\sin^2x + \cos^2x = 1$
$\sin^{2}x + \cos^{2}x = 1$
After you have the "start ChatJax" in your bookmarks bar, you have to click on it.
And then the MathJax should be rendered.
This means that when you enter chat room where, you have to click on it after entering. But then it will work for any new formula anybody writes.
Of course, not if there is a mistake in MathJax like this: $\bino nk = \bino n{n-k}$.
But for correctly entered expressions is should work: $\binom nk = \binom n{n-k}$.
@BAYMAX Is it working now?
wait a bit .. please... i will be after a while...sorry for troble
No problem. Feel free to ping me if there are any problems. (I will likely be near the computer.)
Do not forget to click on the bookmarklet after you manage to get it to the bookmarks bar.
Just in case this might be helpful for some other users who have problems getting the bookmarklet to work, here are a few pictures showing where the bookmerks bar is: images.google.com/images?q=bookmarks+bar+chrome
Some info and screenshots can be found also in these posts on Superuser: How to hide the bookmark bar? and What is the Hotkey to show Chrome bookmark bar?
Hi..thank you very much for the help..
@BAYMAX So does it work now?
$\sin x = x$
yes ! it works
Glad to hear it.
Thank you!
So good luck both in chat and on main site. I hope they will be useful for you.
Yes , same to you
can u help me in a complex analysis question i posted in chat room.
@BAYMAX Sorry I know almost nothing about complex analysis.
ok.. there are no users in this chat room ?
@BAYMAX You mean that the complex analysis room has not users? That should be not that surprising since the room has been inactive for more than two years.
In general, starting a room and keeping it active is not an easy thing to do. If you look at the transcript you can see that there was almost no activity. It was kept alive artificially for some time and then - since there was no interest - it was frozen.
Maybe if you will be active in that room in the next days, there's chance that some other users will notice it.
Well, in order for the room to get going, it is important whether some of the users interested in complex analysis notice the room and start using it.
4 hours later…
Martin, thank you. I think that it will suffice if this method works for a few weeks; I am getting a better idea of what is going on, no need to do this forever. Thanks for explaining things when I was tring to set it up.

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