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10:45 AM
@vidyarthi I have seen your invitation to chat. I will probably be rather busy at work for the rest of this week, so I will not have much time for long discussion.
I assume that it is in connection with this meta post: Is it unfair to post a live journal problem?. And perhaps also discussion in comments to this question which was eventually moved to chat.
7 hours later…
5:26 PM
Testing user feeds as reaction to Will Jagy's question: Enemies Lists ~~ Keeping track of a user who self-deletes questions and re-posts
I have tried to add a few feeds to this room as a reaction to this:
I assume that if you are chatroom owner, you can add any feeds to that chat room. For example, this room has currently one feed - namely bounty questions tagged (linear-algebra). But this would be visible publicly (i.e., not only for you). I am not sure to which extent doing so with users feed would be acceptable. But there certainly are rooms with "logs" from various feeds, you could find some of then among meta.SE chat rooms. — Martin Sleziak 8 mins ago
@MartinSleziak Isee the linear algebra room has an entry posted by no person, a Stack icon, and is a question from Main. That would work, if I could figure that out, direct the feed there somehow, and the thing is not closed down. — Will Jagy 4 mins ago
A: Project Euler, again

Will JagyHere is what I post as an answer sometimes, if I see a question quickly enough for it to make the slightest difference. I have learned to post it CW and not to reply to comments, the people who want help here for these questions want what they want and are unpleasant. Meanwhile, one may claim sep...

Q: Enemies Lists ~~ Keeping track of a user who self-deletes questions and re-posts

Will JagyIt seems there is a way to get the 30 most recent posts by a user, click on profile "activity" and go to RSS FEED. However, from what I can see, when the user deletes the question, it also disappears from this feed. I will see for sure, I have subscribed, not sure how that works. This business a...

Q: Enemies Lists ~~ Keeping track of a user who self-deletes questions and re-posts

Will JagyIt seems there is a way to get the 30 most recent posts by a user, click on profile "activity" and go to RSS FEED. However, from what I can see, when the user deletes the question, it also disappears from this feed. I will see for sure, I have subscribed, not sure how that works. This business a...

Q: Enemies Lists ~~ Keeping track of a user who self-deletes questions and re-posts

Will JagyIt seems there is a way to get the 30 most recent posts by a user, click on profile "activity" and go to RSS FEED. However, from what I can see, when the user deletes the question, it also disappears from this feed. I will see for sure, I have subscribed, not sure how that works. This business a...

Q: Enemies Lists ~~ Keeping track of a user who self-deletes questions and re-posts

Will JagyIt seems there is a way to get the 30 most recent posts by a user, click on profile "activity" and go to RSS FEED. However, from what I can see, when the user deletes the question, it also disappears from this feed. I will see for sure, I have subscribed, not sure how that works. This business a...

A: Ruler and Compass in the Hyperbolic Plane

Will JagyA length $t$ in the hyperbolic plane can be constructed if and only if $\sinh t$ is a length that can be constructed in the Euclidean plane. The constructible angles in the hyperbolic plane are exactly the same as those in the Euclidean plane. My Article Place to download Marvin's article cli...

A: A transformation on quadratic forms.

Will JagyThe Hessian matrix (second partial derivatives) of the first quadratic form is $$ H =\left( \begin{array}{cc} 2a & b \\ b & 2c \end{array} \right) $$ The relationship called "equivalence" takes an integer matrix $P \in SL_2 \mathbb Z,$ with new Hessian matrix given by $$ P^t H P. $$ If desire...

A: Trivial Problem: Sum of 2 bilinear forms is also a bilinear form

RSerraoA bilinear form is just a type of function. Therefore, addition of bilinear forms is just regular function addition: pointwise addition. If $f, g$ are bilinear forms then $$(f+g)(v, u) = f(v, u) + g(v, u)$$

A: Give all the positive whole number solutions to the equation $x^3 - y^3=602$

Will Jagymeanwhile, if they are integers and not equal, $$ |x-y| \geq 1. $$ In any case, $$ x^2 + xy + y^2 \geq \frac{3}{4} \; x^2, $$ $$ x^2 + xy + y^2 \geq \frac{3}{4} \; y^2. $$

Q: Factorize ANY pythagorean quadruple using 4 variables?

BenTaylorCan ANY pythagorean quadruple be generated using 4 integer variables $(m,n,p,q)$? I've read up on Mordell's method, which uses a 3-variable system of generating pythagorean quadruples, and it is widely documented that this doesn't generate them all. However there is also another method which int...

Q: How to integrate $\int {\frac{1}{x\sqrt{x+1}}\mathrm{d}x}$ using $u$ and $s$ substitution or $u^2$ substitution.

J.DoeI am trying to integrate this function: $$\int {\frac{1}{x\sqrt{x+1}}\mathrm{d}x}.$$ When I googled it I saw methods that used both "$u$" and "$s$" substitution. I sort of understood what was going on but got stuck after substituting in $s$. I could not simplify any further. My professor used ...

Q: Prove $\sum\limits_{n=1}^\infty \frac 1 {n^2}$ using the fraction criteria

fatalErrorI found a lot of ways to prove that $\sum\limits_{n=1}^\infty \frac 1 {n^2}$ converges. I wondered if you could also prove it using the the fraction criteria ($\lim\limits_{n\to \infty} |\frac {a_n+1} {a_n}|<1)$ and that $\frac 1 {n^2} < \frac 1 {(n-1)\cdot n}$ Which results in: $\lim\limits...

Q: Prove $\sum\limits_{n=1}^\infty \frac 1 {n^2}$ using the fraction criteria

fatalErrorI found a lot of ways to prove that $\sum\limits_{n=1}^\infty \frac 1 {n^2}$ converges. I wondered if you could also prove it using the the fraction criteria ($\lim\limits_{n\to \infty} |\frac {a_n+1} {a_n}|<1)$ and that $\frac 1 {n^2} < \frac 1 {(n-1)\cdot n}$ Which results in: $\lim\limits...

Q: Demystifying the asymptotic expression for the partition function

pewA partition of an integer $n$ is a way of writing $n$ as a sum of integers. The partition function $p(n)$ counts the number of distinct partitions of $n$. In 1918, Hardy and Ramanujan proved the amazing result $$p(n) \sim \frac {1} {4n\sqrt3} \exp\left({\pi \sqrt {\frac{2n}{3}}}\right)$$ This ...

Q: Analysis: Prove lim sup (an * bn)=lim sup (an)

userUnknownI have troubles with the following exercise, especially because you don't know anything about the sequence $a_n$: $b_n$ and $a_n$ are both real sequences and $b_n \to 1$ Prove: $\lim \sup (a_n*b_n)=\lim \sup (a_n)$, and $\lim \sup (a_n^{b_n}))=\lim \sup (a_n)$

A: Questions about tag-wikis at meta

Martin SleziakI have added some links to posts on this meta to the tag-info for cross-posting. Namely Asking the same question on MSE and MO and Moderator Supported (Official) Guidelines for "Legitimate" CrossPosting? Since I do not want to include there some misleading information, I would be grateful if so...

A: Questions about tag-wikis at meta

Martin SleziakI have added some links to posts on this meta to the tag-info for cross-posting. Namely Asking the same question on MSE and MO and Moderator Supported (Official) Guidelines for "Legitimate" CrossPosting? Since I do not want to include there some misleading information, I would be grateful if so...

Q: Enemies Lists ~~ Keeping track of a user who self-deletes questions and re-posts

Will JagyIt seems there is a way to get the 30 most recent posts by a user, click on profile "activity" and go to RSS FEED. However, from what I can see, when the user deletes the question, it also disappears from this feed. I will see for sure, I have subscribed, not sure how that works. This business a...

Q: Enemies Lists ~~ Keeping track of a user who self-deletes questions and re-posts

Will JagyIt seems there is a way to get the 30 most recent posts by a user, click on profile "activity" and go to RSS FEED. However, from what I can see, when the user deletes the question, it also disappears from this feed. I will see for sure, I have subscribed, not sure how that works. This business a...

A: Sandbox for drafts of long, complex posts

anonThis answer is free for anyone to use.

It seems that the above post appeared here after I posted this comment:
Posting a random comment here as a test. — Martin Sleziak 8 mins ago
Many of the above post were not posted by me - they appeared in the feed since I have posted a comment there.
But since Will Jagy wrote he is testing the same thing on his one, I suppose I can remove the feeds from this room.
@MartinSleziak Well, I think I created the thing you described. Certainly the business about feeds seemed to work. Alright, made that a "favorite" so I can find it. Might even work. — Will Jagy 7 mins ago
5:42 PM
Martin Sleziak has stopped a feed from being posted into this room
Martin Sleziak has stopped a feed from being posted into this room
Martin Sleziak has stopped a feed from being posted into this room
Martin Sleziak has stopped a feed from being posted into this room
I assume that if you are chatroom owner, you can add any feeds to that chat room. For example, this room has currently one feed - namely bounty questions tagged (linear-algebra). But this would be visible publicly (i.e., not only for you). I am not sure to which extent doing so with users feed would be acceptable. But there certainly are rooms with "logs" from various feeds, you could find some of then among meta.SE chat rooms. — Martin Sleziak 24 mins ago
@MartinSleziak Well, I think I created the thing you described. Certainly the business about feeds seemed to work. Alright, made that a "favorite" so I can find it. Might even work. — Will Jagy 8 mins ago
Reading the post you linked to and looking at content of the RSS feed, it seems to me that it contains also comments and other noise. Anyway, just to test this I have tried to add your and my user feed to this room. It seems that with every comment you or me post the question where the comment was posted appears in the room. I guess you can observe something similar in the room you created. — Martin Sleziak 4 mins ago
@MartinSleziak thank you. I can see how it adds up. If I deleted an earlier comment, would it still appear in that chat room? Let me delete one from above, about 16 minutes ago — Will Jagy 1 min ago
@MartinSleziak this one is there in chat, but deleted above: "Isee the linear algebra room has an entry posted by no person, a Stack icon, and is a question from Main. That would work, if I could figure that out, direct the feed there somehow, and the thing is not closed down" — Will Jagy 33 secs ago
Sorry, I have already removed the feeds from that room. (Since we were both testing the same thing, it seemed redundant.) Perhaps we could also clean up the comments here a bit. If needed, we could continue the discussion in chat instead of here in comments. — Martin Sleziak 1 min ago
well, that is complicated and repetitious, I think you are right about the link being to the question rather than to the new comment. — Will Jagy 34 secs ago
@WillJagy If you agree, my suggestion is that I delete all my comments after the one where I suggested to use chat room. You can then post a comment summarizing what the problems with this approach are.
Simply to reduce the noise in the comment section under your question.
After all, all those comments are copied above ^
@MartinSleziak, yes, let's see, after you suggest chat room. Good. Then I will delete the orphan comments
@WillJagy I have deleted my comments after the one suggesting use of chat rooms.
Got it, deleted mine I think.
Perhaps some of the answers here might be useful, if they really work:
5:56 PM
"But, if you really want to stalk somebody, don't you want to know everything that they do?" Would be nice to have questions only, but that would need other types of programming
It seems that this feed contains only my questions on the main site: stack2rss.quickmediasolutions.com/2.2/users/8297/…
The question is whether they appear repeatedly if there is new activity.
Here is some explanation what that site does: stack2rss.quickmediasolutions.com
That would be nice, if it worked...I have an appointment soon, need to get ready and in the car. Thanks for your help. Maybe I will be able to implement your question only idea when I get back.
@WillJagy Have a nice day. Trying the above feed (with correct user id and setting it to questions) seems like a reasonable try.
Of course, for testing purposes you can try answers rather than questions for somebody who posts a lot of answers. So that you can immediately see whether it works.
2 hours later…
8:00 PM
I changed the feeds to just questions. One concern has been addressed already, the guy deleted a question an hour or two ago, but it still appears in the chat room as a link. Easy enough to click on questions once a day and see which ones have been deleted, which have been both deleted and posted again.
8:25 PM
@WillJagy Since I am not sure how familiar with chat you are. Perhaps it is worth mentioning that if a room has no messages for 7 days it gets frozen (it is 14 days if more than one user is active in the room). Messages from feeds do not count for this limit.
Good point. Once a day I should post a comment. Today's can be Today Is Wednesday.
As I said, once a weak suffices.
But probably more important thing is to see what will be the reaction to your room from the mods and MSE users in general.
But it is possible that not many users notice the new room anyway.
week (not weak)
8:41 PM
Right. People might object. I did ask moderators for action on this individual. It did not come to anything. My experience is that, in general, things that I think are genuine problems are not seen as important by many others. So, I have learned to be mild in my claims. The chat room, if it continues, will be evidence of a pattern, but maybe not evidence that will lead to any action.
2 hours later…
10:11 PM
Well, it does post each edit of the question as a new entry. That is consistent, an edit also bumps a question on the Main page. Time will tell what happens with comments or answers by others.

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