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Okay, did a bit more digging. It's not user rep-based, it's a site setting we need to request. From my read of past Meta threads about it, these options are added only for frequent / high-volume migrations, where mods alone would have trouble keeping up.
In our case, because the migration rate is low, the recommended approach is to flag for moderator attention, describing your proposed migration in the comment, and we can navigate the migration using our mod tools if we have consensus.
In the case of the recent game-playing question, I've confirmed the migration with the Arqade mods and pushed it through. Thank you for raising it to our attention!
12 hours later…
It is understandable from a practical point that not all Stackexchanges are listed but from a logical point the people who can and usually vote and thus know the question does not belong there, they should be able to add the stack. I mean the power to close a question is there but not to transfer.
We generally ask the receiving site mods for consent first, so that's why it goes through site mods rather than being automated for users to initiate. Also, I mildly bungled this migration by not cleaning up the comments first, so I'm learning more about why it's manual. 😅

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