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sounds like a lot of fun. If i ever retire, ill give it a try. So probably the 500th version of PoE :-p
1 hour later…
@Zibelas :+1:
I tend to stay away from engaging games...
I remember I had put 450+ hours in a single character in Diablo III, but I no longer have this kind of luxury w.r.t. time.
I'm ~40 hours in my Horizon Forbidden West game and nowhere near the end, and I find I'm spending too much time in it :/
1 hour later…
I want shorter games with worse graphics made by people who are paid more to work less and etc...
2 hours later…
That's good too!
I find that HFW is a very fine game, I mean, the results are very good in terms of game design, story, UX, etc.
But yeah, my cousin's son works at BHVR as a (technical?) artist and my cousin told me he was overwelmed/overworked. Grinding one model after the other, non stop, and had to train new fellows on top of what he had to do normally. This does not give a good picture of this industry.

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