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8:04 AM
So the idea of the component based spell system is like this:
Currently the system has 2 parts, the casting part and the actual spell part. Here is an example of casting with 3 different spell (An instant shield, an instant heal and a cast damage spell)
The casting part handles how the spell is launched, does the modification of the spell in terms of power, cooldown, how targeting is done, etc. A channel spell for example would be similar to the castlauncher (3) but would probably have an OnCastIntervall part. When the spell triggers, the actual prefab of the spell is used. This works so far.
Spells are looking like this (the corresponding to the 3 launched spells from before)
Spells like shield or dmg dots are attaching themself to the target and are handling their lifetime from there on. In case of the shield, it checks first if there is already a shield on the target (from the same origin and spell). The instant heal and damage spell are similar, just one deals dmg and one heals.
This works as well in itself but there is no travel time for the actual spell. If the spell is launched, it deals directly its effect.
The middle part of travel time (and triggering the spell once it reaches the target) + matching animation is what is causing me problems. I would prefer to use the particle system over animation clips (since I use animation clips for enemies, I would like to practise with the particle system for spell effects)
8:40 AM
For now it should not involve any dodging mechanic so a triggered/ finished case spell should always hit.
Since I use events already a lot in the system, docs.unity3d.com/Manual/PartSysTriggersModule.html does look ok. But would I place a script on my target (when the spell is done casting) that awaits the particle system to hit? Or create a GO with the particle system, the script on it and checks each collision if it is the target? Or similar, GO + particle system + collider but instead of using the particle collision event using a normal collision event?
I'm expecting around 15-25 spell effects at once on the screen, most of them the direct effect (dot/ heal over time/ normal heal, etc) and only a few of them of the flying variant. Since the game itself will be run later on a rule decision based system without user input while fighting, the user won't be distracted.
(And if there are any suggestions, improvements or obvious flaws with the delivery or spell system, please point them out)

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