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@SextusEmpiricus I would say statistical ignorance but would love any other fancy name.
5 hours later…
@User1865345 I have now found 'bell curve fallacy' in several places, but a fancier term like 'argument to the bell' or 'argumentum ad campanum' is actually nice as well.
@SextusEmpiricus wow. Btw, could you find any post at CV and add this thing if you have substantial sources? This seems like a thing yet I was not aware of any specific nomenclature.
I am sure there could be some community wiki threads where you could add a post on this.
1 hour later…
Bertrand Russell, although not with normal distributions in mind: "The method of 'postulating' what we want has many advantages; they are the same as the advantages of theft over honest toil". That weasel word assumption usually appears somewhere. Often it should mean ideal condition (as sometimes used e.g. by Frank Anscombe in 1961). Often it does mean presumption.

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