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@GuillaumeDehaene I'm still trying Quarto, and I'm still liking it.
6 hours later…
I'm happy to hear that. Let me know if you have any specific questions
Are you using R or python, or not using integrated code? Except for R (which I have 0 experience with), I really like the VSCode setup they recommend
6 hours later…
@User1865345 The creation of datascience.stackexchange.com a few years after CV might also have affected the number of active users/upvoters on CV.
@J-J-J hm. Valid observation.
@NickCox true. Tbf, though, it overall reflects pretty accurately (not always) active and fruitful contribution by the user in question.
I have not seen any high rep user who shouldn't deserve the reputation points they amassed.
Irrespective of any possible rep inflation during the early days.
@GuillaumeDehaene I am using Python, Mermaid, and Graphviz.
The VSCode plugin is nice. I'm usually using either VSCode or Vim.
1 hour later…
@GuillaumeDehaene I see you write code in Rust. I am learning Rust on the side. Some of my use cases include writing CLIs, services, discrete event simulation, and data transformations. The Maturin build system makes developing Rust extensions for Python a reasonably low effort (via PyO3).

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