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@User1865345, please ask that on Cross Validated Meta. There we have better facilities for asking & answering questions (e.g., formatting options will work) and the information will be available for people with the same question. That isn't a chat item.
Sure @gung-ReinstateMonica. Will do that.
CV meta would be an apt place. I would frame a post later there.
Do we have a canonical thread addressing the 'Can I delete this data that my model doesn't like' questions? I keep running into those, mostly about outliers but not always e.g. stats.stackexchange.com/questions/584022/…
1 hour later…
It's tempting, but any such thread would be too general to remain open here! Most of those questions are bad ones and, when made more specific, either go away ("don't do it") or turn into different questions. You might consider posting a relevant answer in Meta at stats.meta.stackexchange.com/questions/3175 with pointers to answers to possible interpretations of such questions.
8 hours later…
Call me pedantic, but the real question is not "Can I delete?" but "Should I delete?" or "Is it acceptable or admirable that I want (am being told) to delete?".

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